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So, what do you do for a living?

I am seeking a position in the Nevada Attorney General's office. It's more of a 9-5 job investigating financial crimes.

I do hope you get it. I can imagine you going to an office with your black suit and shades; flashing your badge and saying, "I'm Agent G. I need to see your financials"

Here's hoping you get that job!
I am currently a late night Radio host on the local radio station. Not the best pay, but hey its a job right.
:java midnight to 5am everyday!
I too was the early morning DJ, when I was in college... My favorite slot was 0430 -1230 every Sunday morning... Ruined Saturday nights... We did a promo that I played every day,

" I'm the early morning DJ at WTBF..." But that was 31 years ago... :java
Guess I can change my job description, now that I have a new job.

Still a 3D CAD Designer, but now I've taken on the role of button pusher on the water jet. Spent the last 2 days cutting test pieces for windows for the owners 32 hotrod. Then yesterday afternoon, and today, I spent time designing & cutting lexan for the windows.

I'd imagine after a bit, I'll probably expand into doing other stuff too. Definitely wouldnt mind learning to do some of the fabrication work they do.
Thanks guys. Today it was made official that I have the job. Starting last Tuesday and going through tomorrow, was initially just a 2 week try out, to make sure they liked me & I Liked them, and so they could see my work, etc. Basically had to corner the shop owner today to get him to answer whether I had the job, b/c he was super busy, and never seemed to stop moving, haha.

In the mean time, I was also interviewing for a job at a composites shop, and heard from them last night, that they are very interested in hiring me, but not right now. So it looks like I might take on side work for them, or maybe look at some kind of part time position with them, or maybe even go full time w/ them and leave the fabrication shop if the offer is good enough.
Hey guys! I have to say that there is a lot of talent among the MA community. Most of my adult life has been in the engineering design trades.

Started out as a draftsman, switched jobs and companies several times until I ended up working in electronics.


Still was drafting but I was doing printed circuit board layouts in CAD and then printing out film and hand building the prototype boards for testing. Also at that time I did a lot of sheet metal layouts and built many prototype parts (by hand). Was lways a lot of fun designing the part and then building it.

Somewhere in there I went to school to be a watchmaker. Didn't get employed to do that for over 10 years, but the knowledge was a huge help with the prototyping stuff.

Twelve years ago I was layed off and had the opportunity to go back to school for a refresher in watch repair. Been working on folks watches ever since.


That is one of the simple watches.

And you think dentists have neat tools, they have nothing on my tools. :D
Hey guys! I have to say that there is a lot of talent among the MA community. Most of my adult life has been in the engineering design trades.

Started out as a draftsman, switched jobs and companies several times until I ended up working in electronics.


Still was drafting but I was doing printed circuit board layouts in CAD and then printing out film and hand building the prototype boards for testing. Also at that time I did a lot of sheet metal layouts and built many prototype parts (by hand). Was lways a lot of fun designing the part and then building it.

Somewhere in there I went to school to be a watchmaker. Didn't get employed to do that for over 10 years, but the knowledge was a huge help with the prototyping stuff.

Twelve years ago I was layed off and had the opportunity to go back to school for a refresher in watch repair. Been working on folks watches ever since.


That is one of the simple watches.

And you think dentists have neat tools, they have nothing on my tools. :D

Man that's a lost art, pretty sure your clientele can afford premium labor rates.

I noticed you talking about the watch makers lathe, what a tool to have!
here we go again... another discussion about personal tools... :coolio

OH? you're actually going to talk about real tools? :zen

Go for it :yipee
Yup, I like having tools around to make the jobs easier. Having the nice tooling also makes it where I can make tools or jigs to do other more touchy jobs.

My next installment on the Ju88 will have more about tools than kit, but hopefully you guys will find it interesting. :drinks