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IJN Egg-Kagi Aircraft Carrier Vignette


Two red hulls, you wonder?
Just in case a hand-basket appears without warning and my very first ever base goes where hand-baskets customarily go!
2 ways to display Egg-Kagi.


Wave base, with resin rudders in the water, wake turbulence and other hydrodynamic paint accents in place. I'll schmush the hull down on top of them when I fix it too the base.

Thanks for lookin' in!
If your build your Chibi-Maru Akagi, as Fujimi intended............



She might look like this! I love the big, silly, screws! Tamiya brass paint pen, shaded with Tamiya clear smoke!

BUT I WON'T! Yes my Brothers! I MUST play with this one, for not only my own amusement!

Thanks for lookin' in!!

I'm home with my annual bronchitis. A greater illness than this must come along before I am unable to model!
It won't truly be a bathtub. It will be funny! More like a Samurai horse-trough!


Modeling supplies are everywhere!! A little poplar trim, garnered from Don's collection of interesting wood bits and coffee stir-sticks from the supply house at work.
This time of year, you remember where the best cup of complimentary coffee is!

Thanks for looking in!
Thanks Guys, for all your kindnesses! It's going to be a busy vignette by the time the Egg-Doffins are placed!
I'm completely, happily, screwing off and trying not to overdue the trough.
Trim Carpenter, I ain't!!


Test fit!
I'm calling the unpainted base done. Unless I think of any way to make it sillier!! :dance :drool :frantic