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All Righty ... What's on the bench today?

Ok this is what's on my Bench today ...







Well more tool holders in the works ... now that I found my Fostner bits and have the new drill press working ...
:yipee Got some model building time till Monday evening :frantic !

Trying some ideas ,involved with plaster and plastic sheets in various diameters
With a 1/35 industrial setting in mind :hmmm


Thanks Piet ... I have a commission for a paint holder that would do about 25 bottles ... good luck on your endeavors ... (y)
Today we were working on the railroad ... The Texas Outlaw On30 groups new corner module For our traveling road show :woohoo: ...







This will be at the Jefferson, Texas Train Days show May 14 & 15 ... :train
I've got quite a bit going on my workbench; I hope to get pics up later on. It's gonna be a large update.

Gerry, nice work on that railroad. Great scenery. I also love the Roadrunner touch!

Piet, looking great! I'll be watching that as I want to do a photo base of a factory so I can take some pics of my works in progress in it surrounded by workers. I want to see how you do yours.
Okay, as promised, I have a new update...and it's a long one. My apologies.

I'll start out with my armor this time. I finished up the German A7V so you won't see any pics here; they'll be in the finished armor Forums. Other than that, I got some paint on the Gigant:


That's all I got done on my armor this week.

Moving on to my aircraft, I finally got all the parts onto the Neiuport 11, including the rockets. I then pulled out some red paint to get the rockets painted red. That's when this happened:


Yep, the bottle busted because the top was dried shut too hard. Don't worry, all that red on my hand is paint; I didn't cut myself. I did however, spend the next few days pulling a few tiny glass shards out of my hand!

Once I got all that cleaned up, I finished the Neiuport. You'll see pics of her in the Aircraft Forums.

Next, I pulled out the Eindecker and finished putting the decals on it:



Later on I rigged this bird (not very well!) and I'm calling it done. Finished pics will be with the Neiuport in the Aircraft Forums.

After all that, I decided to do an easy, simple build and started on the Italeri Me-110 someone gave me. I started out with the usual, building and painting the cockpit:


While I was painting, I added the detail inside the wheel wells:


You can see I also added the nacelles to the wings. Which brings me to the next frustrations. Simple, easy build? Riiiighgt! It was until I had to deal with the nacelles:


Here's one thing I did to deal with this gap. I stuck a strip of styrene inside and hit it with Tamiya Extra Thin:


Later I snipped that off and sanded it smooth. The rest of the gaps I was able to fill with Mr. Surfacer 500.

Moving on, I closed up the fuselage with the cockpit inside:


It looks pretty good in there:


After all that, I spent a lot of time doing some more sanding and buffing and filling and sanding and buffing on my C-118. In this pic, you see the result of more than a month of repeated sanding, filling and buffing; and I'm still not done yet:


Since I was going to be shooting a bare metal finish on the C-118, I decided to also pull out another model I'd gotten in a Distressed Kit Auction that also needs a bare metal finish. This is a 1/72 scale B-377 that has been assembled to this point and mostly buffed smooth. All I did here was to add the engine nacelles to it in preparation for paint:


You can see that this is one big beastie! This is why I'm also working on it; I need the space on my workbench!

Speaking of big beasties, I got the decals on Madge, so Madge has Bling now:



Later on, I painted the engine cowling faces and the propellers, along with the beaching gear. I also fixed the nose cannon with a piece of styrene rod. Now I just need to finish up a few details and touch-ups here and there and she'll be done. Here's the last Work in Progress pics for Madge before she's done:



Finally, all I have left to show are the progress on my ships. My shipyards have been humming along these past few weeks, all of it was masking and painting the decks, hulls and superstructures. Here's a few of these ships after the masking has been removed.

USS Ingraham:


USS Arthur Radford:


USS Forrest Sherman:


You can see she needed a bit more work done on the hull, so I did some more masking, then sanded the hull sides smooth and re-shot the grey:


Finally, the USS New York can be shown too, after the masking was removed and some touch-ups done:



Since I had completed all that painting on these ships, I figured it was time to get my Russian aircraft carrier caught up. She needed a lot of masking and painting. So I started out by shooting the brown color on most of the decks of the main hull and island:


Then came the first masking on the Island and the main hull:



Then came the second color:


Third mask came next:


Followed by the third color for the main flight deck:


Finally, I masked off the flight deck section I'd painted last and then shot the grey all over the hull and superstructure. Here's the main hull all masked off:


Finally, after all the painting was done, I pulled off all five miles of tape. I was quite pleased with the results! First, here's the hull and decking:


And finally a shot of the hull and island dry-fit together:


Whew! That's all I have for now. Hopefully soon I'll be able to finish a number of these so I can get to some other models that are calling my name. Tomorrow or Tuesday I'll try to post the pics of my completed models; right now it's quite late and I need to get some sleep. So, thanks for looking in, comments are welcome.
I've got quite a bit going on my workbench; I hope to get pics up later on. It's gonna be a large update.

Gerry, nice work on that railroad. Great scenery. I also love the Roadrunner touch!

Piet, looking great! I'll be watching that as I want to do a photo base of a factory so I can take some pics of my works in progress in it surrounded by workers. I want to see how you do yours.

Mark I can't take credit for the Roadrunner ideal ... My friend whom I'm doing the module for (newest Member of the Texas Outlaws On30 group) thought the children at the show would like it ... I think He's right it's all about the children ... their eyes really light up when they see the trains ... I'll trying to get some videos uploaded of My Shay running around the track if I get it put back together ... It dived off the module at the last show ... :woohoo:
Looking good you guys! Lots of hard chargin' modelers out there. Keep up the good work!

Here is a little WIP.
Tamiya 1/35 Blitz.
It's nearing completion. I'll post some progress and finish pictures in the near future.



Everything is looking great guys! I also got a bit of work done too, but it was all done at Hobby Day Friday yesterday so the camera is still there. Going back again today; maybe I'll have something worth posting by Monday or Tuesday.
Well, it's considerably later than Monday or Tuesday, but I finally have some time to post here. First off, I didn't get much done on Hobby Day. I did finish up one model; the Panzer II in 1/35th scale for someone, and I completed the basing of two regiments of Union Infantry and one of Cavalry. You can see the Panzer II in the Armored Fury Forums...

On Tuesday, I finally finished moving an end table into my Hobby Room. This was an end table I got from someone that I was helping to move. He was going to toss it so I decided to take it home. Now it is my new Spray Booth:


I like the fact this has a drawer too. Now I can put away some of my tools:


Now on to the models I was working on.

In aircraft, I focused on my Madge to finally get it done. I was so close so it was time to buckle down and get it finished. Now she's done and can be seen in Wesendorf Field.

Then I moved on to the Me-110 I'm doing for a Group Build on another Forums. I took time to sand and smooth out the nacelles until I was satisfied enough. Then I cemented on the tail and wings to the fuselage:



Now I have a few more gaps to fill and sand now. I'll get it done as far as I can until I can replace the lost nose cone.

Moving on, I went back to the shipyards....

This next one is a kit I found in my stash. It's a Frog kit of the HMS Undine that was a bagged kit. The hull pieces had torn the baggie, leaving all kinds of holes so I figured I'd better build this before all the pieces got lost. I was almost succeeded, the two main guns disappeared. Still, I was able to complete 99% of it:


This next one is an interesting diversion. My wife found this ship set next to the dumpster in our complex and told me about it. I found it and looked it over. The masts had all snapped and the bowsprit had broken, as well as a couple yards. The rigging was all mostly intact. My wife wanted me to fix it so I took it in and started work on it.

Here it is after I started to fix a couple of the masts:


I then tried to fix the bowsprit here. I'm using the lamps to hold the pieces in place against the rigging so they stand straight. The bowsprit didn't take, so I have to try again:


Finally, I felt the USS New York had sat for long enough. I finally got all the little bits and bobs on it:



Now all I have to do is paint these little details and then clearcoat this for decals. I am hoping I can finish this and maybe one or two more ships this coming week.

It's a small update, but with life getting in the way, I actually got a lot more done than I expected. Thanks all for looking in, comments are welcome.