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The Duke's Motor Pool February 2021

Duke Maddog

Well-known member
Okay, I'll start by offering a warning that the following pics are gonna be large, so please have patience. I left them large to hopefully allow for more detail to be seen.

Ever since I'd broken the 800-model milestone; I've been wanting to bring my entire collection of Braille Scale Armor down to our Hobby Day Hall and set it up for pictures and display. That would also allow me to add all the armor models I'd finished since the last time I'd set this up in Chattanooga. So, this past weekend, I had that opportunity and was able to keep the collection on display for three days. I gotta say, it sure felt fantastic to see this whole collection all set out on the tables!

One good friend also recommended that, as I set up each army or group of armies; I take pics of each one. That was a great idea so, while setting up; I did that. I climbed a ladder to get these shots of all these to make sure I got the best view of all of them as possible. You'll also see that I placed my national flags next to each one like I did in Phoenix and Chattanooga. But first, I wanted to take a shot of all the models I'd finished since Chattanooga. I set them out with the national flags next to each group so I could more easily integrate them into the collection as I was setting up. Here they are on my staging table:


Now that you've seen them, here are the individual pics of each army or group of armies going from largest to the smaller ones. Before that, I'll post this pic of all the current German Railroad subjects I currently have finished, This was set up on a 1 foot by 8 foot table:


After this, I set up everything else on eight foot tables except for the Middle Eastern Armies as you'll see later.

This next pic shows my entire German Army:


Following that is my Russian Army which slightly edged out my United States Army in number of models. You can see the Russian railroad models here too:


Here is my United States Army and Marines:


This pic contains my British Army along with their Commonwealth members; the two Swedish tanks, the French Army, Italian Army and Japanese Army. I included the Japanese here because the Japanese Army is still a bit too small for it's own table. It was easiest to just add it to these European armies since there was sufficient room on the table:


And finally, on a six foot table, I have my Middle Eastern Armies which include the Egyptian Army, Syrian Army, Iraqi Army, one Indian tank, and the Israeli Army:


Now that you've seen all these armies individually, here they are all together. This is what eight hundred and seven armor models looks like all set up on tables:


When it came to that pic above, I extended the ladder as high as I could. Believe me, I couldn't get any higher to shoot this pic or I would have been bumping my head on the ceiling!

Here's another angle shot from the ground:


And there you have it: photographs of my latest milestone. It's been a long and fun road and so many of you have been exceptionally motivating along the trip. I'm thrilled to have traveled it with you. Hopefully it won't take long till I break a thousand that will be a sight to see!

Thanks all for looking in. I hope you enjoyed the show.
Thank you Martin! :good:

Thanks Bob! I'm beginning to think you're right. I might have to look into that when I set out this collection after breaking the 1000 piece milestone. :hmm:

Thanks Eric! Yes it does.:geekon::yipee:
Neat pictures, Mark. It must take a good bit of time to set all that up. I'd have to put names on the bottom of them to keep it all straight.
Mark, that is just impressive!! Having the Dora gun in the background really shows off the scale of that thing! It just dwarfs everything else on the table!

Thanks Dave! Your compliments are most appreciated.

Thanks John! Actually, I've been contemplating the same thing since I was getting confused myself as to which vehicle was what. It does take a good amount of time; approximately four to four and a half hours for full set up.

Thanks Sharkman! I am even impressed; having them all packed away doesn't give me a good scope of the whole collection. Seeing them all set out like this does. About Dora: yeah, at least three people who came to see this at the Hall asked me "Are all these in the same scale?" and/or "Is that Dora actually the same scale as the rest of this?" It always blew them away when I told them "Yes"!
LOL! Thanks Kenny! Yeah, sometimes I have a hard time believing it myself.

I'm glad you stopped in and saw this.