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Well-known member
When you diorama guys do sand, what do you use ? I'm thinking if i go 35x smaller than sand (to scale) i have flour really so do you use artistic licence like people do with panel lines and just go with sand ?
I dont want a beach type effect, i want a North African sand :) I have some suitable small rocks and stuff i think but i need a base...
What about modelling clay painted then i could put some tire tracks in it ?
This will just be a flat base, not a diorama,
In the old days, Greg Metge used to purloin the scale sand he used from public ashtrays. Good luck finding an ashtray in public place anymore. I asked and he says silica sand is a close substitute. Does that help?
Yea that sound good. Like all these things i just need an idea for the first attempt then i will probably work it out for myself :cool:
Tamiya, AK, Vallejo & MiG all have texture effect paints,pigments and pastes. They can be applied directly to the base if you don't want too much contouring. For more relief on the base, deeper ruts, etc, plaster of paris, celluclay, carveable foam boards can be used to build up those features.

Getting away from the pre-made stuff, you can check pet shops for things like chinchilla dust bath or sands for making a home for you reptilian or furry friends.. There are various grades of grit used for sand blasting that can suit .

Art & craft stores have textured acrylic paste than can be spread onto a base. They are white base so you can add some colour to it before applying if you wish.

You might find some fine sand along the curb on the street. Put it thru a fine sieve to get big chunks out.

Last North Africa base I did. The finest sand is either fine or extra fine acrylic paste, smaller stones are kitty litter (unused, non-clumping), medium stones from the garden and the largest is a plaster cast using premade model railroad molds.



Years ago I did a diorama for a 1/20 scale sci-fi kit. Went out in the back yard in Glenpool OK and scraped up some of the fine dirt there and used it. It was the perfect amount of fine and looked just right on the base I made. Used some pump hair spray over it to fully attach it down and it has lasted to this day about 35 years later.