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"Just Another Morning in Vietnam" diorama


Master at Arms
Hello All,

After taking a 5 or 6 year break from modeling, I had entered the "Charlie Don't Surf" Group Build and got motivated to start modeling more. After started several dioramas but never finishing any over the past 10 years or so, I finally got one completed. I have titled it "Just Another Morning in Vietnam" which is set in the fall of 1967 so all three patterns of jungle fatigues could be displayed together. The Soldiers in this scene are going about everyday morning activities that an Infantry platoon would perform when they were out in the boonies. A Platoon Sergeant is quizzing the Soldier pulling security on his fields of fire, another Soldier is talking to his buddy who is still trying to wake up while perparing his morning coffee, and the last Soldier has just removed the magazine from his M16 prior to ejecting the round that was in the chamber. It is common practice in jungle environments to replace the round in the chamber in the mornings due to condensation buildup (I think that was the reason we were given for that...it was in the early to mid 1990's when I was in a jungle environment.).

All of the figures have been converted. Some of the equipment has been scratchbuilt like two of the lightweight rucksacks (the others are conversions of those offered in kits), the open claymore bag of magazines, bandoleers, c-ration spoon, etc.

Here are some pictures of the diorama.

Overall view.

A view of the Platoon Sergeant wearing the 1st Pattern Jungle Fatigues and the two Soldiers in the background wearing the 2d Pattern.

A view of one of the Soldiers checking the magazine in his M16. He is wearing the 3d Pattern Jungle fatigues.

A view of the Soldier pulling security with spare ammo, grenades, rifle, and claymore clacker.

A view from one of the sides.

A view of the coffee being prepared, c-rations with spoon standing by, and equipment gathered together in preparation for movement.

A view of the diorama from the back.

A view of the diorama from the other side.

A final picture.

If you have any specific questions, I'd be glad to answer them. I've been pretty busy lately due to our OPTEMPO, so I'll answer any questions as soon as I possibly can.

Thanks, guys!

I try to put my heart and soul into the figures I make to try to make them as realistic as my skill level allows.

In answer to Saul's question, the figures are conversions of the following kits:

Seated Soldier with his head in his hands: Seated Soldier from TANK minitures kit T-35119 "War is Over". He was originally a WW2 German Soldier. I scraped away the German uniform items, cut away the boots and replaced them with jungle boots, and then added the jungle fatigue pockets, epaulets, and waist tabs to form the 2d Pattern Jungle Fatigues using a pair I have in my closet as a reference.

Platoon Sergeant: Originated as Bravo 6's 35040 Green Beret Colonel kit. I replaced the head with a Hornet head, used Kneadatite putty for hair, changed arms with some from other Bravo 6 kits, used Hobby Fan equipment, and fashioned the canteen cup out of a canteen.

Soldier holding canteen cup of coffee: Originated as the standing MP from Bravo 6's 35041 US Military Police kit. I replaced the head with a Hornet head, used Kneadatite putty for hair, used the right arm from 35009 US Mechanized Infantry "Brothers", and fashioned the bandoleer around the waist with Kneadatite putty with a Trumpeteer M16 magazine wedged into one of the pockets. Canteen is from Hobby Fan.

Soldier checking magazine in M16: Originated as the GI from Bravo 6's 35042 "Me So Horny". I replaced the head with a Honet head, used Kneadatite for the hair, used the boonie hat from 35006 US Infantry Private, right arm from 35028 USMC "Cover Me" as well as the left hand. I do not remember where the left arm came from.

Soldier standing in the fighting position: Originated from the Hobby Fan 81mm Mortar Crew, kit number escapes me at the moment. I used a Hornet head with Kneadatite hair, a boonie hat from Dragon's SEAL Team kit 2, arms from the parts box, pen made of metal wire, and range card from c-ration meal box from MEC Models.

It was refreshing to finally finish a diorama that I started. I still have the two that I started from the Group Build that I do not know if I will ever finish.

The expressions you have on these guys faces, they tell a story by themselves.

Outstanding James, thank you for sharing this with us!
Wow! Great dio brother! As I joined the Army in 77 I came in on the end of the green uniform,baseball hat army style. This really brings home memories from that time"far far away" now. Nothing like sittin in the perimeter jaw jackin and eatin beenie weenies!
Love the Claymore clacker and heating canteen cup. Nice touches. Uber realistic.
Moon Puppy, Kurt, Dusan, jrutman53, and Andy

Thanks for the positive comments. I really do try to put some life into the expressions, poses, and the story behind my figures. I am
glad that it is actually working in conveying that to the audience.

This motivates me to attempt to finish some more dioramas!

Thanks again, guys!
