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Interior pix of Berge-Panther D ?


Active member
Hey Guys,

I'm currently in th middle of Building Cyberhobby/Dragon's Flak-Panther(belonging to th 653rd.Pz-Jagger Abtl.- a converted Berge-Panther D) & was wondering if any one had any pix of the Floor of a Berge-Panther D ? More specifically th fighting compartment. Since this is a Berge there is No turret.

I have Tom Jentz's book on the Panther & there are no clear cut pix of the floor minus the turret basket. I know there is at least some part of a Floor around th Turret & some flooring at the Driver/Radio operators station. I just need to see some pix of th Floor Preferably of a Berge D - Factory/Wartime pix ?

Thanx in Advance for th Help !

I know this is not a D but you can try Toadmans pictures of the Littlefield Panther being restored


Thanx for th pix. These help ,but still no pix of the Interior with th decking down. I looked further on Prime Portal & came up with Nil. Thanx for th links. I suppose I can make an educated guess & since there are No real pix Anywhere .... No one can tell me that I'm wrong ?:D
