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Here's what's left of the personal stash.

Thanks all for the responses to the Sell off for a new list of the stuff from the store email me at [email protected].

These are from my stash

FSIB= factory sealed in Box oop= out of production

Most are opened because a.)they came to me that way or b.) opened for inspection only. If it came in bags bags are sealed


1.35-Armor-Academy- M-18 Hellcat-1375- $18.00

1.35-Armor- Trumpeter- Sdkfz 7.2 with Flak 37 -01514- $37.00 (MSRP $ 65.95)

1.35-Armor- Trumpeter- Sdkfz 7 Transport Early Version. $35.00 (MSRP $ 61.95)


1.24-Trumpeter- Nakajima a6m2-n rufe floatplane- $ 50.00 practically brand new

1.32 Aircraft- Revell- P47D-25 Bubbletop Smithsonian Ed- $13.00

1.144-Aircraft- Entex- vintage B-1(Lancer).- $5.00

1.72-Aircraft-Hasegawa-A-10 Thunderbolt II Warthog- $ 5.00

1.72-Aircraft-Hobbycraft- F-86 F-10 Sabre (oop) FSIB $7.00

1.72-Aircraft-Italerei- An2 (Colt) transport-recon (oop) FSIB $ 7.00

1.72-Aircraft-Revell- Vintage Ju87 G-2 Stuka Tank Buster $5.00 (exact same kit RoG is selling right now!!RMG 4692 )


1/9 Halcyon Alien with Egg**- $22.00

1/9 Halcyon Predator 2 with skull/spine trophy- Make offer

**(out of bags and parts off sprues except two although sprues present all parts are there)

All posted prices are with out shipping from Alabama


Oh I wish I had the resources to make you an offer Currently I cant even afford the postage - You should keep it and build it though Its the most awesome of all the predator models out there!