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April Email

moon puppy

Staff member
I've gotten reports that our monthly email has been falling into folks spam filters so I'm going to repost it here so we can get full coverage of goings on.

Greeting to all Modelers Alliance members,

FLASH!!!!! QUARTERSCALE MADNESS IS ALREADY UNDERWAY!!!! That's right Modelers Alliance's 30 day modelers sprint started April 1st. If you want in on this you better get a move on because the clock is already ticking. To join your project must be 1/48 scale or smaller. HURRY!!!!! TICK....TICK....TICk....TIck....Tick....tick


Spring has sprung and things in nature are running full tilt. Things here at Modelers Alliance are running full throttle as well. "Weathering O.D." is still going strong with Bob Letterman doing a whole convoy of trucks. Remember this an interactive lesson so get something O.D. and join in.

Things are cookin' in "Charlie Don't Surf Redux" there are some projects already done. Look in and see Joe's V-100 and MoonPuppy's flying banana. Still plenty of time get in country and get in the weeds with the rest of us and do a project.

A lot of funky things going on at the "Camo" campaign. Come over and dig all those funky colors. To get in on this one your project must have at least a three color camo pattern.

"Cold War Wings" has been going for a month and several projects are going on with more starting every week. This is a year long build pick something out and join in.

"Cold Steel" our Russian front campaign is moving along with several builds. Check IronMike's Jagdpanzer IV and Gunfighter's JSU-122.

The "Ship Builders" campaign is steaming right along with Laura's Tirpitz and Adam Baker's Los Angeles class sub taking center stage.

"Sci-Fi Showdown" is still out of this world with lots of neat stuff. You need to check out mlp's "Orion 2001" and IronMike's Maschinen Krieger Melusine.

The "Battle of Britain" campaign has not received near enough press because there are some nice builds going on there. Check out PlastikSmurf's BF109 and MoonPuppy's OOB Airfix Spitfire.

"Plane Busting" the campaign where we pay tribute to those who just hate flying machines. Take a look at bagge's Soviet DSHK machine gun w/crew.

"Hot Rod" if you like street thunder this is the place for you Rob's Henry V8 Pickup and Bob Letterman's Pocher Ferrari Testarossa WOW!!!!

"Under New Management" campaign where what's yours is theirs and what's theirs is yours is moving along a lot cool stuff already done. Check out IronMike's German Pz.Kpfw KV-2 754 (r) This one doesn't end until the end of July which leaves plenty of time to join in.

"Dave Harper's Pacific Campaign" is winding down, but there is still two months until it ends to get something finished.

We have two campaigns "Blitzkrieg" and "Red Star Rising" that will be ending at the end of the so if you want to get in on these before time runs out you better work fast.


"Fall Figure Festival" has been such a success that rumor has it that it may have a name change and become a permanent feature. This the place where you can watch and learn figure painting.


The first of May we will be traveling to sunny North Africa with the "Road to El Almein" campaign. Stay tuned for further details.


June: "Road Warriors" Length: TBD

July: "Mighty 88" Length: TBD




Keep those suggestions coming!


The staff at Modelers Alliance would like announce an addition to the staff and welcome IronMike as it's newest member. Mike will helping with the campaigns.
"CONGRATS Mike and welcome!!!


We would like to announce the Modelers Alliance Outstanding Achievement Award. It is awarded to our members who have displayed the true spirit of sharing our hobby with others through their posting of techniques and encouraging others.

First recipient who has already been awarded is everyone's pal Martin a.k.a. "MLP" for his B2 Stealth Bomber. Martin was not able to complete his wonderful B2 in the time frame of Mr. Ts Bomber Command campaign but his build thread was so entertaining that we wanted to bestow on him some recondition for his efforts. Martin should be an inspiration for us all to complete our builds even though we run out of time (most of us on the staff raises our hands on that one). Congratulations again Martin, thank you for being a great contributer to Modelers Alliance!

Next, Luiz A.K.A lupanzer. The only modeler we know of who has posted their build blog from Antarctica. Asides from those fantastic pictures of a land the majority of us will never see, Luiz has demonstrated superb painting and construction skills and continues to inspire others.

Last is Ian Hill who is one of our Masters modelers. Ian has always been unselfish with his modeling advice. Ian is currently working on a waterline U-Boat diorama and incorporates a step by step with each update to creating a masterpiece. The submarine will be put on a base and shown under attack from an aircraft which will be included!

That's about all the news that fit to print. Be sure to check out the forums because there is just tons of fantastic work going on. There is always plenty to see and read on Modelers Alliance so don't miss a thing come and see. Join in and get involved. Until next time happy modeling and keep those X-Acto blades sharp.

Staff at Modelers Alliance.

If you didn't see this email please add the modelersalliance.com domain to your safe senders list or whitelist.

I have never had an email from modellers Alliance ? and i check my spam folder weekly ?
Paddy I'll have the system send you a email right now, let me know if you get it. Can you add modelersalliance.com to your whitelist? Could be another spam filter is catching it at the ISP level Paddy.
Could be that the emails are sent to multiple recipients, that's always a flag for spam filters. If you don't mind I'll test one more time with multiple users.
Hmmmm nothing MP. I have checked my email server but as i own the domain i will check that as well.
I will get back to you.
Checked cpanel for my domain and i have no spam filters set. Did a full system search and it found just the registration confirmation e-mail from when i first joined up.as you have my business email i often get multi address messages so i really don't know :) a mystery :)
Could have been sacked somewhere in transit Paddy. Stay tune to next months email and we'll see then. I did not get a bounce from the test so hard for me to see what happened.