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A question of order.

Plastik Smurff

Well-known member
G'day guy's, I have a question that you may find silly.
What do you build first when doing a diorama,your base or the tank's an figures?. :huh:
I'm gunna give one a go now I have the time. :D

I hope I have put this Q in the right area as this forum has changed a tad since I last had a chance to log on.

Question is in the right place, I can't answer cause I've never done a diorama. Sure there will be some good answers shortly.
Hi Smurff, Good question :) :) I have done it both ways. I have built a tank and then came up with a base to display it on then added some figs to complete the scene, Other times have started with a photo of a scene and developed a diorama starting with the base.

How's that for covering all the bases :D :D

I think you can do both ways, if you are going to have a tank sitting in a muddy road then it's good to have it done first, same with figures.
I usually starts with the base and an idea of what i would like to build and then start looking for the vehicles and figures for it and put them in place when it's time to add the final surface.
One dio i'm working on there the vehicle will be on a bridge so that can be added when the dio is done (haven't decided what to put there yet either)
hope this helps :)
Welcome to our site, you'll find lots of friendly, qualified folks to help you along. My experience with dioramas is limited, but have found that I need some of the components to arrive at the size and scale of the project. (y)
Personally, I'd do the tank/vehicle first. Simply because if you loss interest or change your mind then you don't end up with a diorama with nothing to go with it.