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Search results

  1. JRGlasoe

    Permission To Board...

    I remember from my "Navy" days in Coronado, CA! Thank you!
  2. JRGlasoe

    Permission To Board...

    Thank you!
  3. JRGlasoe

    Permission To Board...

    LOL thanks!
  4. JRGlasoe

    Permission To Board...

    EJ, Probably not what you expected, but when you get a chance or time... A couple of questions or confirmations about fittings: Sail Material: vintage bed sheet, white seamed with Aileene's Tacky Glue (Yes?) Turnbuckles: From what source did you acquire the turnbuckles? Based on your pictures...
  5. JRGlasoe

    Special Lightning Sailboat

    Guys, I found the site by searching for Lightning builds. Nothing came up. After I stared searching for more kits/models, then I stumbled upon images of EJ's. The world unfolded from there.... I am a bit confused about the organization of information. But knowing forums like these, it'd be...
  6. JRGlasoe

    Permission To Board...

    Thanks. I agreed with your assessment; it was a collection of wood called a kit. Starting the search for these parts. J
  7. JRGlasoe

    Special Lightning Sailboat

    EJ, Thank You! Finding your post gave me hope. A simple Google search found nothing about building Lightnings. It was sheer luck finding your posts; its the joy and frustration of web searching. I've posted an introduction along with pictures of my efforts to date. These are my starter...
  8. JRGlasoe

    Permission To Board...

    Hi All Modelers of the Alliance: I started sailing in Northern Minnesota and, due to the long winters, took up modeling my dreams. Hand crafted from 2x4s or any flotsam to float by, I got hooked. Back then, without the internet, I literally had no idea there were kits let alone experts or...
  9. JRGlasoe

    Special Lightning Sailboat

    Sir Sir, Your attention to detail and clean rendering of your efforts is humbling. You set the bar. In fact, I'm going to re - rig mine based on your efforts here. But, I have questions, if you don't mind: What did you settle on for sail material? Even the cover? Did you do the sewing? What...