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Search results

  1. S

    Aussie Centurion help

    If you look at period photos you can see a variety of cans carried. The Plastic Water can which is available from Mousehouse and Accurate Armour or raid them from a cheap clone of the Tamiya Challenger 1 Mk 3 desert Storm kit from Lee, the Australian "Jerry Can" which is essientally the British...
  2. S

    Aussie Centurion help

    Try here for the Book: http://www.mheaust.com.au/MHE/Books/Milbrief3.htm and here for ref photos: http://www.ammssydney.com/ (Look under references - vehicle walkarounds Cheers Al
  3. S

    Lost Australian/Japanese Battle Site Found

    Some discovery, this is unchecked journalism at it's best. This " undiscovered" battlefield was found mapped and plotted by Ross Clover, Phil Clover and Bill James more than five years ago on advice from vets and research of WW2 Maps by Bill James. This is covered in Bill James excellent Field...
  4. S

    Did you know?

    That the British 6 pounder Anti Tank gun (used by the US as the M1 57mm ) when using APDS Ammunition had a greater ability to penetrate armour than the Kwk 36 88mm gun as fitted to the Tiger 1 (The 88 was however a lot more accurate at longer ranges)? Al
  5. S

    37mm ammo for Staghound

    If you know anyone with the supposedly unbuildable Academy M3 Mediums who have stashed them in disgust then pinch all the 37mm racked ammo from them. A much maligned kit but one with a lot of useful bits and pieces Al
  6. S


    G Cooper wrote: Whilst I admire your choice of subject it isn't a very easy conversion of this kit or a mix and match with new parts for DML. THe Sexton was radically different enough to be a whole new kit so I reckon you will see a Sexton from Bronco/Miniart (just after the Bronco 2pdr and...
  7. S


    The parts breakup is excellent news as the kit has three hull sides and two with no cutout for the extended pulpit so an earlier variant as used by the Brits and later the US in NA can be done from the kit with little effort. That was good thinking from DML although I'm pretty sure an earlier...
  8. S

    Did Aussies ever use the Land Rover Ambulance?

    Hi Peter, the Aussie bloodbox was on the Series II and is similar to the Brit one excepting that ours were a lot taller with space for four stretchers and a standing medic. They had one feature a lot of people appreciated when operating in the NT or out west and that was the four twelve volt...