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Search results

  1. dewertus

    1/48 Bronco LiM-2 / MiG-15bis Polish Air Force

    The third MiG with the code "red 115" in service with the Polish Air Force. This time a representative of the first generation - MiG-15bis (LIM-2) from an unknown unit (1950s). The red lightning is a symbol of "excellent crew", which was awarded to the best crew (pilot + ground crew) from all...
  2. dewertus

    1/48 ESCI/Italeri Alpha Jet A - what if....

    In 1995, the Polish Air Force was in the midst of major organizational and equipment changes – in 1993, the LiM 5/6 aircraft ended their service, and the Su-20 and MiG-21 (except for the latest "bis" version) were being withdrawn. The TS-11 Iskra in service had long since become technically and...
  3. dewertus

    2x Panzerkampfwagen V Panther asuf.G - Jeremi

    The latest models made by Jeremi (9 years old) - Italeri 1/72. First is captured and used by Polish Home Army during the Warsaw Uprising Panter call "Pudel", second is german Panter used in the battle of Balaton
  4. dewertus

    MiG-23MF, 1/48 ESCI - 28 Fighter Aviation Regiment, Polish AF.

    This is probably a record of the "shelf of shame" - I started work on the MiG-23 in... 2017. Finally, after almost seven years, I managed to complete it. The model is a classic vintage - an old frames from the box with the ESCI stamp. I replaced the rockets and pylons with those from the...
  5. dewertus

    Monogram ~1/48, Mig-29A

    Monogram ~1/48, Mig-29A, red "115", 1st Tactical Fighter Squadron "Warszawa", Polish Military Contingent "ORLIK 3", Baltic Air Policing, Lithuania 2010. Model updated by KARAYA U4802 set (underwings pylons). The painting is made using Model Master and Tamiya acrylics, dirty with various MIG...
  6. dewertus

    Sherman VC Firefly (Dragon 1/35)

    Sherman VC Firefly (Dragon 1/35) of the 1st Armored Regiment, 10th Armored Cavalry Brigade, 1st Armored Division of the Polish Armed Forces, Belgium/Netherlands 1944. The painting is made of Model Master and Tamiya acrylics, dirty with various MIG products and VanGhog oils. The decals from the...
  7. dewertus

    UH-1M(C), Hobby Boss 1/48

    My first 1/48 "windmill" completed - Hobby Boss UH-1M (C), painted with Tamiya acrylics + Model Master, finish with MIG wash and VanGogh oils.
  8. dewertus

    M5A1 Stuart VI "Boar" (1:35 Tamiya)

    M5A1 Stuart VI, 24th Uhlan Regiment, 10th Armored Cavalry Brigade, 1st Polish Armored Division, Netherlands 1944, Tamiya 1:35 + decals from Toro Model. Painted with Model Master acrylics, staining: MiG oils (dark wash + nature effects: earth and fresh mud) + VanGogh oils
  9. dewertus

    PT-89 Hardy / Merida II 1/35 (In Another World)

    I couldn't finish this model before the "In Another World" campaign deadline, that's why the final gallery is here...
  10. dewertus

    John: T-62A Armored Division "MEDINA"; Iraq 80'

    A brief history of the creation of a certain model ... :coolio
  11. dewertus

    Yellow Nose Campaign (next year?)

    It can be fun and the reason for inspiring searches for more unusual "yellow nose" owners ...
  12. dewertus

    1989: the new era in Central-East Europe

    It is 1989. Poland is leaving the Warsaw Pact as a result of political changes. At the same time, similar changes take place in Czechoslovakia and Hungary. In order to strengthen their position, all three hold a covenant - the Visegrad Group is formed. NATO and the European Union are suspicious...
  13. dewertus

    Il-28 Tamiya 1/100

    Jeremi (4 years old) said that he began to like modeling and after the construction of the F-16 from the prefabricated Revell set in 1/48 he forced me to buy another model, what more he chose it by self from a few for the proposed options: lol: My duties include cutting out elements from...
  14. dewertus

    These wonderful men and their amazing models

    The wife has already reconciled herself with fate ... :rotf :thumbsup :coolio
  15. dewertus

    M10 Wolverine, Tamiya (old) 1/35 >>>DONE<<<

    From previous summer I suffer from a chronic lack of time for hobbies - the more I enjoy from completing even a single model ... This is model of M10 Wolverine from 7th Anti-Tank Regiment, 2nd "Warsaw" Armored Brigade of 2nd Polish Corps from the period of the Battle of Monte Cassino (11-15 May...
  16. dewertus

    History like son defeated his father (again)

    A brief story of how a chick is flying better than an old bird :good And final galery: And as you can see the model appealed to the Jurors on this year's Warsaw's Model Show "Babaryba"
  17. dewertus

    M3 Grant - 2nd (Warsaw) Armoured Brigade

    The squadron of the command of the 2nd (Warsaw) Armoured Brigade used a few (less then 5) M3 Grant tanks till end of Italian campaign as the command tanks. They had an additional radio station and had extensive communication equipment, but unlike the typically British version they were fully...
  18. dewertus

    Something under the sign of a white-red chessboard

    I still don't know which, but for sure it will be one of them...