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Reconnaissance Mitchells


From joe Baugher's Site (linked below but copied here in case of web issues):
F-10 was the designation given to 45 B-25Ds that were modified for photographic reconnaissance work. The F-10 designation refers to the F-for-Foto photographic reconnaissance series, which the USAAC/USAAF used from 1930 to 1947, and should not be confused with the F-for-Fighter series which was not introduced until 1947.

All of the F-10s were new B-25Ds taken directly from the assembly line at North American's Kansas City plant. All armament, armor, and bombing equipment was removed, taking about 1000 pounds off the empty weight. Three synchronized cameras were installed in the lower part of the nose, which was fitted with a special "bug-eyed" chin fairing. Often, a standard downward-pointing reconnaissance camera was fitted in the aft fuselage. The crew of the F-10 was five--two pilots, a navigator, a radio operator, and a photographer.

The first units to operate the F-10 were the 311th Photo Wing and the 1st Photo Charting Group. The job assigned to the F-10 was the mapping of territories which had been poorly explored so that more accurate charts could be made. A total of nine squadrons are known to have operated the F-10. Mapping sorties were made over Alaska, the Canadian Northwest Territories, Brazil, the Himalayas, and the South Pacific.

Several F-10s were turned over to the Royal Canadian Air Force.

Serials of B-25Ds modified as F-10s:

41-29848/29947 North American B-25D-1 Mitchell​

c/n 87-8013/8112​

29875 modified as F-10​

29876 modified as F-10​

29877 modified as F-10. Delivered to RCAF​

as 894​

29878 modified as F-10​

29879 modified as F-10​

29880 modified as F-10​

29881 modified as F-10​

29882 modified as F-10​

29883 modified as F-10​

29884 modified as F-10​

29885 modified as F-10​

29886 modified as F-10 - Delivered to RCAF​

as 891​

29887 modified as F-10​

29888 modified as F-10​

29924 modified as F-10 - Delivered to RCAF​

as 892.​

29926 modified as F-10​

29927 modified as F-10​

29929 modified as F-10​

29930 modified as F-10​

29932 modified as F-10​

41-29948/30172 North American B-25D-5 Mitchell​

c/n 87-8113/8337​

29970 modified as F-10​

29984 modified as F-10​

29987 modified as F-10​

29988 modified as F-10​

29989 modified as F-10​

29990 modified as F-10​

29991 modified as F-10​

30132 modified as F-10​

41-30173/30352 North American B-25D-10 Mitchell​

c/n 87-8338/8517​

30181 modified as F-10​

30195 modified as F-10 - delivered to RCAF as​


41-30353/30532 North American B-25D-15 Mitchell​

c/n 87-8518/8698​

30426 modified as F-10​

30427 modified as F-10​

41-30533/30847 North American B-25D-20 Mitchell​

c/n 87-8699/9012​

30554 modified as F-10​

30580 modified as F-10​

43-3280/3619 North American B-25D-30 Mitchell​

c/n 100-23606/100-23945​

3371 converted to F-10​

3372 converted to F-10​

3416 converted to F-10​

3419 converted to F-10​

3433 converted to F-10​

3434 converted to F-10​

3434 converted to F-10​

3437 converted to F-10​

3438 converted to F-10​

3439 converted to F-10​

3440 converted to F-10​

3444 converted to F-10​

3446 converted to F-10​

Serial numbers of B-25s transferred to RCAF:

41-29848/29947 North American B-25D-1 Mitchell​

29877 modified as F-10. Delivered to RCAF​

as 894​

29886 modified as F-10 - Delivered to RCAF​

as 891​

29924 modified as F-10 - Delivered to RCAF​

as 892.​

41-30173/30352 North American B-25D-10 Mitchell​

30195 modified as F-10 - delivered to RCAF as​


30267 to RCAF as 5200. Returned to USA 1953​


  1. B-25 Mitchell: The Magnificent Medium, N. L. Avery, Phalanx, 1992.
  2. Medium with the Mostest--The B-25 Mitchell, Jerry Scutts, Air International, Vol. 44, Nos 2 and 3, 1993.
  3. Boston, Mitchell, and Liberator in Australian Service, Stewart Wilson, Aerospace Publications, 1992.
  4. Famous Bombers of the Second World War, William Green, Doubleday, 1959.
  5. North American's Flying Gun--The Story of the B-25 From Paper Airplane to Legendary Bomber, Jack Dean, Wings, Vol 23 No 4, 1993.
  6. United States Military Aircraft Since 1909, Gordon Swanborough and Peter M. Bowers, Smithsonian, 1989.
  7. North American B-25A-G Mitchell, Aircraft in Profile, Doubleday, 1966.
  8. Jane's American Fighting Aircraft of the 20th Century, Michael J. H. Taylor.
FF ¿Que Pasa, Babee? GG in the background
!B-25 F-10 00bm3rdpms11.jpg
!B-25 F-10 -Que-Pasa-1024x7311-1024x731.jpg

ZZ Pistol Packin' Mama 41-30181
!B-25 F10.jpg
!B-25 F-10.jpg

Bebe Eyes

Finally has eyes...

Pert'Nint Poop has eyes
zzz Pert Nint Poop 00.jpg
zzz Pert Nint Poop.jpg

GG Miss Betty/Ann/Davis' Den
GG starboard MISS BETTY ANN.jpg
GG nose Davis Den.jpg

HH Hortense/Kroe's Nest
HH starboard Hortense.jpg
HH nose Kroes Nest.jpg

II Goofed Off/Norman's Greenhouse
II nose Normans Greenhouse.jpg

JJ "Sub-Depot Sue"
JJ starboard Sub-Depot Sue.jpg

LL Chambermaid
LL starboard Chambermaid.jpg

MM Mad Mapper/Ginnie/Pal
MM starboard Mad Mapper ginnie.jpg
MM nose Pal.jpg

NN Naughty but Nice/Val/House of Cain
NN  Naughty but Nice Val.jpg
NN nose House of Cain.jpg

PP All Your'n
PP starboard All Yourn.jpg

QQ Quivering Queen
QQ Quivering Queen.jpg

RR Rough Rider/Dot
RR starboard Rough Rider.jpg
RR nose Dot.jpg

SS Sing Sing!
SS starboard Sing Sing.jpg

TT The Berkshire (is that a hog on the side under the name?)
TT starboard THE BERKSHIRE.jpg

Los Angeles City Limits (not sure which aircraft this belongs to)
port  tail Los Angeles City Limits.jpg

Diamond Lil 3-A 41-29924 Delivered post-wat yo RCAF as 892
zzz Diamond Lil.jpg

zzz Diamond Lil 00.jpg

Singin' Sam
zzz Sinigng Samb25mitchell-WRG-0021503.jpg

Sweater Girl
zzz Sweater Girl.jpg


Note the different camera housing
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