Being a watchmaker, I handle fine tweezers for hours a day 5 or more days a week. Then there is the modeling side which takes the same tools and puts them to other sometimes more challenging tasks.
When I saw that Sprue Brothers had some new tweezers made by Meng it was time to step up and check them out. With many years of experience, it is easy for me to tell what works and what doesn't and what little things will cause the most trouble.
Here is a quick photo essay showing what was found.

The steel quality seems good and they are probably going to be quite decent tweezers. For the cost they should have much better tips than they currently have. While the tips can be corrected with little work, there are other options out there that are better quality and will work correctly from the start.
For a quick run through on tweezer basics, handling, and how to restore and maintain the kind of tips that will allow handling fine photo etch with less part launches, refer to this thread: