The story
In 2012 the world was supposed to end. Yet it hadn't. Mankind had perched on the precipice teetering as war, terrorism, and disease had decimated it. A horrific natural disaster followed and yet civilization held on firmly, all the while staring into the abyss. A land ravaged by increasingly violent weather, blanketed in a cloud of radioactive dust gutted by the inhumanity of Homo Sapiens still provided life.
2111 and the world still rotates around the sun. Cooler, subjected to ionizing radiation as the ozone layer depleted the population has started its climb again. Across the world areas of radioactive desolation houses small enclaves of surviving people. Former desserts have become lush jungles. Underground bunkers have housed more. Temperate belts have spawned huge armed convoys for the sale and distribution of food stuffs. Ships of all sizes continue to ply the seas but now they are armed and armoured fortresses. Pirates prey on all afloat. Oil and gas is almost none existent. Area of the world where major outbreaks of disease occurred years ago still harbour a semblance of life, yet life means nothing and to enter means losing everything. A polar route now exists as the Bearing Sea,Arctic, and Northern Atlantic Oceans have frozen over yet few dare the route.
Aircraft, few and far between can be found still.
For almost a hundred years as the world reeled from its torturous rebirth, men and women have sat around communication equipment. Trying to reach anyone hearing no-one. The radiation band around the upper atmosphere suffocating those electronic voices has begun to dissipate. Countless have died waiting to hear another voice from far away. More where born to the job, never having actually heard another person in that way. Until finally contact is made. But can that be a good thing?
And so your adventure begins.
As a Reference the Timeline
Time Lines
21 Feb 2011
Tripoli explodes in to chaos as Libyan jets bomb protesters.
01 Mar 2011
Egyptian protesters clash with military over government changes. Bahrain erupts into civil war. Oil and gas prices start to climb.
Jul 2011
Israel clashes with Lebanese and Egyptian expatriates and remnants of military forces. Harsh reprisals cause Turkey to side against Israel. Small scale war commences. UN begins a with drawl from Afghanistan in order to commence actions in the Mediterranean and Dead Seas.
21 Jul 2011
Wikileaks announces the the Soviet Republic has lost 5 Nuclear ICBM’s with multiple warheads. NATO remains silent.
04 Aug 2011
Pakistan loses control of some of its Nuclear weapons.
05 Aug 2011
2 Missiles launched at bases in Afghanistan. UN Forces totally wiped out in area. Bin Laden claims responsibility. Shortly there after missile hits Indian Capital. India retaliates and most of Pakistan and Afghanistan become radioactive waste land. North Korea realizing the loss of all the UN troops seizes chance and launches missiles into South Korea. Some fall short and North and South Korea destroyed. China invades what is left of North Korea.
Sept 2011
Warheads from 5 Russian ICBMs are triggered in a number of major cities in the US, Canada, Britain, France, Germany, Australia, and in Moscow.
Oil and gas only being distilled in limited highly guarded sites sprinkled across the world. Radioactive waste lands through about 20% of the world. Air travel sporadic. Shipping is targeted by pirates throughout the world.
Temperatures have dropped 10 degrees Celsius across the world as planet is wrapped in high altitude blanket of radioactive dust.
Future king of England married in an underground bunker system.
EU starts to disintegrate.
Nov 2012
EU dissolves. Everyone tries to grab what they can. Germany seizes Alsace Lorraine and Austria. England, Wales, Scotland separate. Ireland closes borders to England. Eastern Block countries start breaking into principalities based on early historical findings. Not happily by the way.
African continent dissolves into tribal feuding exasperated by disease and a massive outbreak of Ebola.
China now desperately trying to obtain strategic materials. Invades Eastern Russia Vietnam, Japan and with eyes on Australia.
Dec 2012
Major earthquake along San Andreas fault splits California from mainland. Half of California sinks leaving a large island just off the coast.
To Prevent the US from using West Coast ports to deploy from, China uses nuclear weapons on Seattle and Vancouver.
Russia now alone and its back to the wall initiates nuclear a response on its own soil and Northern China effectively destroying the Chinese military, and a large portion of its own.
US reprisals hit Japan and Eastern China.
China breaks down amid civil strife. Its thought that at least 3 factions are vying for control.
Aftershocks from the mega quake cause Hoover Dam to crack then disintegrate.
Australia and New Zealand suffer increasingly savage and destructive weather .
Dust cloud now thinner and sunlight becomes stronger. Radiation has affected the ozone and high UV counts causing problems for the remnants of civilization. Gangs of outcasts loners, hangers on travel across the wild expanses of the world while enclaves of survivors have sprung up. Disease is rampant. Vehicles are all 2011 or older. Gas and water are worth more than gold or life. Small militias of military enclaves patrol and shoot on sight. Weapons are field modified and weapons designers are highly sought after people. Anything to one up everyone else.
World is defined by areas:
Radioactive wastes. Few people and those who live there aren’t really human anymore.
Green sectors. Jungles, Always damp with corrosive rains Everything is rusted or decaying. Small communes all hiding behind wood palisades. Tech is minimal.
Harvest areas. Small few and far between. Armoured caravans make yearly circuits of their respective countries selling food. These caravans are held in high regard and are seldom attacked. Last attack occurred in Rio 20 years ago and surrounding communities banded together and razed it to the ground.
Military. Hi tech weaponry kept in poor repair. Manned by fanatics always looking for more metal, fuel, food to buy the techs to make new weapons.
Para Military groups prowl the world.
Aircraft are early 2000’s vintage. Constantly repaired and upgraded. Few and becoming fewer. Cars and trucks are souped up and weaponized. Few and concentrated in packs. Gas or electric or organic fuels. Those with gas are manned by the worst of the worst dregs of society. Ships are floating fortresses. Almost always scarred. Most have been modified for sail. Tanks are the most sought after.
Tanks are mainly old Soviet stock because there are a lot of them and they are almost indestructible. Newer Allied tanks never lasted past 2080.
The world is a much different area than in the past. Large radioactive wastes spread their poisons on the winds. Hi UV causes burns and site problems unless properly shielded. Areas of the earth previously desert now sport lush jungles. Few people survive there because of the diseases that devastated the populations there. Those who do survive are highly contagious and scarred by disease. Pockets of people survive in underground military and government installations. They would be considered high tech. Scattered groups live in the devastated cities of the world. Small towns have adapted to the changing world and are either peaceful and trying to survive behind walls, or territorial looking for more to better there situations
Because of cooling temperatures an ice bridge fuses the northern countries together for anyone brave enough or stupid enough to go exploring.
Radio transmissions from all over the earth are sporadic but present. Electromagnetic storms in the upper atmosphere play havoc with comms still. From these everyone knows there are others out there.
In 2012 the world was supposed to end. Yet it hadn't. Mankind had perched on the precipice teetering as war, terrorism, and disease had decimated it. A horrific natural disaster followed and yet civilization held on firmly, all the while staring into the abyss. A land ravaged by increasingly violent weather, blanketed in a cloud of radioactive dust gutted by the inhumanity of Homo Sapiens still provided life.
2111 and the world still rotates around the sun. Cooler, subjected to ionizing radiation as the ozone layer depleted the population has started its climb again. Across the world areas of radioactive desolation houses small enclaves of surviving people. Former desserts have become lush jungles. Underground bunkers have housed more. Temperate belts have spawned huge armed convoys for the sale and distribution of food stuffs. Ships of all sizes continue to ply the seas but now they are armed and armoured fortresses. Pirates prey on all afloat. Oil and gas is almost none existent. Area of the world where major outbreaks of disease occurred years ago still harbour a semblance of life, yet life means nothing and to enter means losing everything. A polar route now exists as the Bearing Sea,Arctic, and Northern Atlantic Oceans have frozen over yet few dare the route.
Aircraft, few and far between can be found still.
For almost a hundred years as the world reeled from its torturous rebirth, men and women have sat around communication equipment. Trying to reach anyone hearing no-one. The radiation band around the upper atmosphere suffocating those electronic voices has begun to dissipate. Countless have died waiting to hear another voice from far away. More where born to the job, never having actually heard another person in that way. Until finally contact is made. But can that be a good thing?
And so your adventure begins.

As a Reference the Timeline
Time Lines
21 Feb 2011
Tripoli explodes in to chaos as Libyan jets bomb protesters.
01 Mar 2011
Egyptian protesters clash with military over government changes. Bahrain erupts into civil war. Oil and gas prices start to climb.
Jul 2011
Israel clashes with Lebanese and Egyptian expatriates and remnants of military forces. Harsh reprisals cause Turkey to side against Israel. Small scale war commences. UN begins a with drawl from Afghanistan in order to commence actions in the Mediterranean and Dead Seas.
21 Jul 2011
Wikileaks announces the the Soviet Republic has lost 5 Nuclear ICBM’s with multiple warheads. NATO remains silent.
04 Aug 2011
Pakistan loses control of some of its Nuclear weapons.
05 Aug 2011
2 Missiles launched at bases in Afghanistan. UN Forces totally wiped out in area. Bin Laden claims responsibility. Shortly there after missile hits Indian Capital. India retaliates and most of Pakistan and Afghanistan become radioactive waste land. North Korea realizing the loss of all the UN troops seizes chance and launches missiles into South Korea. Some fall short and North and South Korea destroyed. China invades what is left of North Korea.
Sept 2011
Warheads from 5 Russian ICBMs are triggered in a number of major cities in the US, Canada, Britain, France, Germany, Australia, and in Moscow.
Oil and gas only being distilled in limited highly guarded sites sprinkled across the world. Radioactive waste lands through about 20% of the world. Air travel sporadic. Shipping is targeted by pirates throughout the world.
Temperatures have dropped 10 degrees Celsius across the world as planet is wrapped in high altitude blanket of radioactive dust.
Future king of England married in an underground bunker system.
EU starts to disintegrate.
Nov 2012
EU dissolves. Everyone tries to grab what they can. Germany seizes Alsace Lorraine and Austria. England, Wales, Scotland separate. Ireland closes borders to England. Eastern Block countries start breaking into principalities based on early historical findings. Not happily by the way.
African continent dissolves into tribal feuding exasperated by disease and a massive outbreak of Ebola.
China now desperately trying to obtain strategic materials. Invades Eastern Russia Vietnam, Japan and with eyes on Australia.
Dec 2012
Major earthquake along San Andreas fault splits California from mainland. Half of California sinks leaving a large island just off the coast.
To Prevent the US from using West Coast ports to deploy from, China uses nuclear weapons on Seattle and Vancouver.
Russia now alone and its back to the wall initiates nuclear a response on its own soil and Northern China effectively destroying the Chinese military, and a large portion of its own.
US reprisals hit Japan and Eastern China.
China breaks down amid civil strife. Its thought that at least 3 factions are vying for control.
Aftershocks from the mega quake cause Hoover Dam to crack then disintegrate.
Australia and New Zealand suffer increasingly savage and destructive weather .
Dust cloud now thinner and sunlight becomes stronger. Radiation has affected the ozone and high UV counts causing problems for the remnants of civilization. Gangs of outcasts loners, hangers on travel across the wild expanses of the world while enclaves of survivors have sprung up. Disease is rampant. Vehicles are all 2011 or older. Gas and water are worth more than gold or life. Small militias of military enclaves patrol and shoot on sight. Weapons are field modified and weapons designers are highly sought after people. Anything to one up everyone else.
World is defined by areas:
Radioactive wastes. Few people and those who live there aren’t really human anymore.
Green sectors. Jungles, Always damp with corrosive rains Everything is rusted or decaying. Small communes all hiding behind wood palisades. Tech is minimal.
Harvest areas. Small few and far between. Armoured caravans make yearly circuits of their respective countries selling food. These caravans are held in high regard and are seldom attacked. Last attack occurred in Rio 20 years ago and surrounding communities banded together and razed it to the ground.
Military. Hi tech weaponry kept in poor repair. Manned by fanatics always looking for more metal, fuel, food to buy the techs to make new weapons.
Para Military groups prowl the world.
Aircraft are early 2000’s vintage. Constantly repaired and upgraded. Few and becoming fewer. Cars and trucks are souped up and weaponized. Few and concentrated in packs. Gas or electric or organic fuels. Those with gas are manned by the worst of the worst dregs of society. Ships are floating fortresses. Almost always scarred. Most have been modified for sail. Tanks are the most sought after.
Tanks are mainly old Soviet stock because there are a lot of them and they are almost indestructible. Newer Allied tanks never lasted past 2080.
The world is a much different area than in the past. Large radioactive wastes spread their poisons on the winds. Hi UV causes burns and site problems unless properly shielded. Areas of the earth previously desert now sport lush jungles. Few people survive there because of the diseases that devastated the populations there. Those who do survive are highly contagious and scarred by disease. Pockets of people survive in underground military and government installations. They would be considered high tech. Scattered groups live in the devastated cities of the world. Small towns have adapted to the changing world and are either peaceful and trying to survive behind walls, or territorial looking for more to better there situations
Because of cooling temperatures an ice bridge fuses the northern countries together for anyone brave enough or stupid enough to go exploring.
Radio transmissions from all over the earth are sporadic but present. Electromagnetic storms in the upper atmosphere play havoc with comms still. From these everyone knows there are others out there.