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7,5 cm PAK 40/4 Auf Gep. Selbstfahrlafette Raupenschleper OST (RSO)



Author     Peter Kwok and Heiner F. Duske    
Editor     Heiner F. Duske
Drawings     Peter Kwok
Format     Softcover
Pub. year     2010
Price     36.00 USD
Availability     In print
With the release of the new Dragon kit, Nuts & Bolts has revisited their book on this vehicle.   I had bought the original many years ago when it first came out.  It is still a very good volume so I was interested to see what new information has turned up.

Since I never reviewed the previous release, this will serve both releases.

As originally printed, the book had 48 pages not including the heavier covers which also are used.   One hundred twenty three photos are found of which seventeen are archival.  Of these one photo is of a Schwimmwagen’s pennant to show markings.

The rest are photos of museum examples with the one at Koblenz being used for detail images.  Peter Kwok has nicely drawn plans of the vehicle.  These are a five view with four scrap views.

All images are in black and white and mostly clear.
Text is included which provide a bibliography, some background in the form of chapters.  The first covers the branch of service in transition.  Then the development of the RSO is covered and followed with the armored version.  Next are the deployment, Camouflage and markings, Judgment, a short anecdote, surviving vehicles, and models.
Last is a large table of data.

It is worth mentioning that the captions are most informative and many examples exhibit arrows pointing to a particular detail in the photos.

So, what is new?

At first, I was not sure as the book has the same page numbers and photographs throughout.  Then I noticed the plans were printed to a much better standard.  As I slowly compared the books, I came across the center section with fifteen new photographs (with detailed captions) and six pages of CAD images provided by Dragon Models of their latest kit on this subject.

The bottom line is simple; if you missed out on the first release, pick up this one as it will be invaluable when tackling either the new Dragon Models kit or Italeri’s version with the multiple Aber detail sets.
You can order the book directly from Nuts & Bolts and pay using PayPal, recipient = [email protected].
First release
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