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Tip Jar Gift


Super Moderator
Awright, awright, awright already!

If a Tip Jar donation is made, no Linkie is needed. You get tell me who to mail these to, INSIDE the United States of America!
I'm a good guy, but I cain't afford to take a bath on shipping costs to non-US buyers.

You can go to the website and spend the same $15.00, but it doesn't help defray Modeler's Alliance expenses.
This fundraising idea is evidently not well received. Please forget I mentioned such a thing.
Not so @Rhino but it does serve proof as to your upstanding character!

I'm waiting for my return... ;) I don't have any 72nd scale armor to use the stowage. That rabbit makes a cute Xmas tree decoration.
This fundraising idea is evidently not well received. Please forget I mentioned such a thing.
We have to work on our marketting and messaging.
You have a very generous offer, we just got to get it setup on our system and message it. Standby, I got a report to generate in the am and I think my afternoon is going to be light tomorrow.
OK I pulled these post out of the original thread. I got the "upgrades" options setup to include TLAR models generous gift promotion.
To find where to purchase go to your profile up top and click "Account Upgrades"


Then you'll find the $15 option

Thank you Chris @Rhino for your offer.