I went to HPH the other night looking to download the instruction sheet for the Me410 kit that they have. (Yes I have one of those as well) While they have links to said instructions, and you used to be able to download the manuals, those links are dead and you can't download their manuals anymore.
However I did notice that they have a new kit that I knew that they were working on (not the HUGE Gigant kit)
It is the BV138. I believe it also had the nickname of "The Flying Clog"
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It has the hefty price of 558 Euros or about $605 US.
On interesting tid bit of information I found out about this aircraft quite a while back is that the engines are diesel, which are not the most powerful powerplants available.
Quite a while back they showed that they were in the beginning stages of doing the Savoyia Marchetti SM79 tri motor. THAT ONE is the one I am waiting for.