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Recent content by phantom II

  1. phantom II

    Wreaking Havoc 1: A-20B 41-3266(?) Outhouse Mouse with a Sharkmouth

    Recognition lights ( lower aircraft ) . They were a code for ground troops to know what was flying over their position after dark to avoid friendly fire . The three light were used in a predetermined order . Code of the day .
  2. phantom II

    Betty Bomber

    No reply except for LOL !
  3. phantom II

    Betty Bomber

    I totally agree . Call me lazy but that would save a lot of time and some regrettable language .
  4. phantom II

    Reconnaissance Mitchells

    Thanks Saul . I was not even aware that these birds existed . Good info.
  5. phantom II


    I detect a lot of truth and wisdom in those words .
  6. phantom II

    Hobby 2000 BF-109 E4 1/32 FINISHED

    It's hard to ever decipher the truth as to where , how big or how strong it's going to be . Perfect job. Never have to be right . Hoping for a couple open lanes of traffic when we hit the road . We have a couple of places we could hang our hats but North Carolina or Alabama are much further .
  7. phantom II

    Hobby 2000 BF-109 E4 1/32 FINISHED

    Planning on evacuating . Prayers please , it looks particularly nasty at this time and everyone North of here is recuperating or sheltering .
  8. phantom II

    Hobby 2000 BF-109 E4 1/32 FINISHED

    Thank you all for the good information . It actually makes a lot of sense in my mind . I don't have any Hobby 2000 kits, so I was curious since they issued some Fujimi kits a while back . Paddy , that BF 109 is beautiful but your kits always are . Cheers, Christian . . . Now, on to our...
  9. phantom II

    Hobby 2000 BF-109 E4 1/32 FINISHED

    Hi Paddy ! Test question for you . I always thought that Hasegawa, Tamiya and Fujimi used a better grade of plastic than the current date manufacturers. Since Hobby 2000 is using old Japanese molds , are they using old quality plastic or the new soft stuff ? I worked around engineers all my...
  10. phantom II

    A pic from Clearwater North Beach, FLA. One week before Helene.

    Love the area around clear water . Guess it will be a while before it is enjoyable again . Glad we did not move there , they have drama way too often .
  11. phantom II


    LOL ! Make sure the wheels don't get stolen .
  12. phantom II

    Betty Bomber

    Not my thoughts but that was WW II references . It does resemble that name though
  13. phantom II


    Looking very nice Terry. Good to see your work again .
  14. phantom II

    Betty Bomber

    The flying cigar !
  15. phantom II

    1/32 BV 138

    Ouch , who actually spends that sort of money on kits . Mine spent many years on the shelf before I had the nerves to start on it but this one would have to sit in the store many years before I had enough cash to buy it . I don't think it could be any fun for me . Cheers, Christian