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Recent content by Paulw

  1. Paulw

    MHF Crocker

    It looks right, Paddy, and that's a wonderful thing.
  2. Paulw

    Picture quality

    Is your camera a point n shoot or a "real camera"? :bigrin: The reason I asked is because you may have a lens that may not be up to your specs. Lenses can be an expensive solution. Right now, I can't justify purchasing any new lenses so that I can get away from my phone camera. I have DOF...
  3. Paulw


    After I had my triple bypass surgery. I started building models again after about a 20-year hiatus. I started at Swanny's models where I got acquainted with a lot of you. Yesterday, I learned from SA Dave that one of our fellow modelers from that era had passed away about three years ago. Tim...
  4. Paulw

    A Lesson on Plexiglas noses, Specifically the B-17 this time...

    This must be the same as the Marauder with their 2-part nose glazing.
  5. Paulw

    I just got a PM from SA Dave. He confirmed that Tim Gillis passed a few years ago.

    I just got a PM from SA Dave. He confirmed that Tim Gillis passed a few years ago.
  6. Paulw

    MMM 2025 Starts in one week

    Until when?
  7. Paulw

    an old work horse in the east - Mil Mi-8

    Awesome, as always, Martin.
  8. Paulw

    MHF Crocker

    I know that you spend a lot of hours on these builds, but somehow you seem to make them look effortless. Impressive.
  9. Paulw

    32 Tamiya Birdcage

    maybe next time, Saul
  10. Paulw

    32 Tamiya Birdcage

    Well, I have to thank you guys for encouraging me to keep going on with this build. At our monthly model meeting we have a theme build. For this month it was what would Greg do? He only builds wheels up and on a stick. Since he only builds 72 scale aircraft, he gathers a lot of attention and...
  11. Paulw

    "I'm only going to buy kits one at a time as I build them.... I swear"

    Let us know how that works out. :bigrin:
  12. Paulw

    MHF Crocker

    Will you be able to straighten that buggar out, Paddy?
  13. Paulw

    Hello everybody

    Hello everyone. My name is Purrll. I am four months old, and my dad and mom adopted me today. I watch dad build his models and I don't get into trouble yet. Nice to meet you all.
  14. Paulw

    From what I can find, true story LOL

    And now, you know the rest of the story.
  15. Paulw

    Farewell, good friend

    Sorry for your loss