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Recent content by fledermaus

  1. fledermaus

    M3 Lee

    Nice work Bob, looking forward on this project 😎👍
  2. fledermaus


    Love it Terry, I have this vehicle in 1/6 scale that I'm converting in to this version for my joes.
  3. fledermaus

    DAS WERK DW35007 - 1:35 Panzerkleinzerstörer Rutscher

    Nice work on the details Andy
  4. fledermaus

    3D Print services needed…

    Saul, send me the files and I will print it for you for free
  5. fledermaus

    DAK Flak Truck

    Robert, Nice work on the scratch build parts, keep it going
  6. fledermaus

    The latest Something I 've been doing.........MENG WW1 A7V & MKV Male completed - March5th 2025

    Ian love the track mud, nice work so far, are both models going to be together? Abdin
  7. fledermaus

    V2 rocket

    HI to all, more work done to the V2, now is the launching table turn I started by making the base for the valve box, I used brass tube and styrene bits to make the base now I 3D printed the parts for the rocket connections the bases are installed the rest of the parts are installed...
  8. fledermaus

    V2 rocket

    Mike and Ian thanks my friends!
  9. fledermaus

    V2 rocket

    Guys thanks! Rhino the trailer served as transport to the launching site, then it is used to erect the rocket and place it on the launching table, as a service platform before the launch, and it also can supply fuel to the rocket if needed.
  10. fledermaus

    V2 rocket

    More work on the V2 trailer has being done, so here it is after figuring out was this part is for I started to modify it to make it work the kits part I started by cutting the round pivot base next I drilled the sides and reattached the base with cooper wire pins now the base can pivot...
  11. fledermaus

    V2 rocket

    Hi my friends! Work on the Meilerwagen continues, more details added on different areas. the rear air tanks for the brakes received some details the air valve is 3D printed the valve is glued to the frame, brass wire is used to make the air lines next the rear wheels boogie received...
  12. fledermaus

    V2 rocket

    Hi to all, time for another update on the V2 build. the work continues with the assembly of the trailer tubular chassis and the addition of the hydraulic system lines. the tubular chassis is started this is the reference I have for the hydraulic system, this photos were provided to me by...
  13. fledermaus

    V2 rocket

    Thanks Warren, now working on the trailer details, more soon.
  14. fledermaus

    V2 rocket

    Piet, nice site with lots of info, the book looks very interesting too, any idea when will it be finally available?
  15. fledermaus

    V2 rocket

    Thanks Ian, have a couple of projects going on at the same time that will be posting soon.