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Recent content by errains

  1. errains

    Ryefield Models M1240A1 M-ATV, US MRAP All Terrain Vehicle

    Good heavens look at all that PE….its the work of the Devil. Please continue!
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  5. errains

    AtlantaCon 2025

    Hmmmm….peer pressure. It’s more like I don’t have a my newer stuff finished. But then again I haven’t shown my older stuff at this show yet Either… let me think on it. BTW, are you making an in person appearance here??
  6. errains

    AtlantaCon 2025

    I’m not planning on showing anything this time.
  7. errains

    M3 Lee

    Yes SIR! That Bridge is defiantly made to order. We may have to do a hike in to get some good reference.
  8. errains

    All Righty ... What's on the bench today?

    Been fiddling around with a couple of things... The StuGsaurios And Then a 3d Print of the T14 Assault Tank And Turning the Prototype into a What-If Production for Operation Olympic. Thats all For this Week :victory:
  9. errains

    M3 Lee

    WOW Boss!! That is just crazy the work you have to do because some people can’t seem to follow simple instructions. Bit it good seeing back at the bench. I guess it’s time you and I did some lunch here soon.
  10. errains

    P-47D Razorback "Miss Second Front"

    He has. They are in the box. I think MP wants to use “Chicken Bones”….im going for Out of the Box for this build. Thanks though.
  11. errains

    My Obligatory Tiger I Project

    Wee bit of battle damage. Have also started in the drivers and radio area of the interior...no pics yet of that. :bigrin: Reference pic first... Interior shots coming soon. :victory:
  12. errains

    P-47D Razorback "Miss Second Front"

    Ok...Enough is Enough!!! The fit seem acceptable. :flyingdog:
  13. errains

    Killer Otter - M76 Amphibious Cargo Carrier (Early)

    Yeah this wacky thing have been whispering in my ear….and now with shark teeth…how can I resist :doh:
  14. errains

    My Obligatory Tiger I Project

    Ok now this is hilarious… to me anyway. That book was by far my most favorite when I was but a wee squirt. Just something about the artwork I really liked. So thanks for sharing
  15. errains

    My Obligatory Tiger I Project

    Mantis Miniatures