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Recent content by AndyFettes

  1. AndyFettes

    Ukrainian Soldier

    mmmmmm sexy !!!!
  2. AndyFettes

    Youtube channels

    https://www.youtube.com/@themodelersemporium2439 :bigrin:
  3. AndyFettes

    Ukrainian Soldier

    Certainly is !!!!!!!!!!
  4. AndyFettes

    Ukrainian Soldier

    South Croydon mate theres a lovely model shop in Dorking as Im sure you know well
  5. AndyFettes

    Ukrainian Soldier

    Finished him !!!! took the photo off a facebook page of the North Surrey model show a few weeks ago and my photo of the base without the dude and a photo of my Zoauve minus his bayonet which pinged into the ether
  6. AndyFettes

    M3 Lee

    Mate, I would if I could just started a new job so time is lacking at the moment but on hand to answer any questions you might have
  7. AndyFettes

    G scale locomotive.

    Lovely work mate !!!!!!!!!
  8. AndyFettes

    Ukrainian Soldier

    so to continue I just made and electrical box to fill the gap
  9. AndyFettes

    Ukrainian Soldier

    based up but its missing something maybe on the wall perhapes I dunno what do you think chaps ?
  10. AndyFettes

    Ukrainian Soldier

    helmet done as is his rifle with homemade sling from leadfoil
  11. AndyFettes

    Ukrainian Soldier

    well i popped out only to return to find the little man has been rolling around in the dirt !!! little Bugger !!!!
  12. AndyFettes

    Ukrainian Soldier

    Mmmm sounds good maybe a ruined apartment with a balcony ?
  13. AndyFettes

    Ukrainian Soldier

    continue,.... heres the camo all sorted will have to go back in a refind some of it obviously the blue on the front flag patch and maybe a green union jack flag patch on the sleeve and something for the other side dont know what yet of course I need to do the boots ( I like doing boots ) then I...
  14. AndyFettes

    Ukrainian Soldier

    kind of completed the uniform camo looking at a different camo for the plates carrier and ammo pouches
  15. AndyFettes

    Ukrainian Soldier

    New fun and yes I know Ive not finished other stuff but wanted to crack on with this Heres the Evolution Miniatures 1/35 Russian Soldier which will swop sides for this project. A little bit of andyfication: scissors and armbands Primes with Vallejo grey primer and Tamiya Buff mix which serves...