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Tamiya's 1/48th Spitfire Vb COMPLETED 2/16/10

Re:Tamiya's 1/48th Spitfire Vb

Finally I have managed to finish this little pain in the back side :eek:hmy: .

This kit was what I am coming to expect from anything with the Tamiya logo on the box. That is a super slick and easy build. And it went that way until I hit the decal portion of the build. Then all of a sudden I couldn't get anything to work right :eek:hmy: . Most of my misery is all about the frustrating situation of decals laying down nice and flat, then putting a decal setting solution on them, and they then get wrinkles that simply will not go away once they are there :angry: . Oh well. It is not that big a deal as it is a 99% out of box build that will only ever sit on one of my shelves. But it still bugs me when this happens to me. But, like I said, with what I am going to do with it, it's alright as you can't really see the mess unless you get right up on it.

And now the final photos of what I came up with.








Even with the heartache of the decals on this kit, I am still in love with these little Tamiya kits. So my big decision now is weather or not I should do a 1/48th scale Corsair next, or try one of the Hasegawa 1/48th F-104's. The only thing that keeps me from jumping all over that Hasegawa 104 though is that NMF that will be soooooooo much work. But that is for later, as I am going to finish up my Monroe Perdue Group Build next without any more "weekend" projects or resurecting any more shelf queens in between.

Gary B)
Nice spit. It will look nice amongst your collection. Thanks for the info on the decals. Have you thought about chipping the edge of the prop a little? Thanks for the in progress shots.
er...call me crazy but everytime I use a decal solution, Champs is my favorite, but decails always wrinkle up like that when the solution is doing what it's suppose to be doing. It does look freaky at first but if you leave it alone and come back the next day they are fine. Maybe I'm not understanding what your problem was Gary.
Hi everybody. Thanks for looking, and the comments.

John. I really don't think it is a specific problem with all Tamiya Spitfire Vb kits. It is just something that happens from time to time. I'm sure that if I did another on of these kits, the problem would not be there. I think it was just one of those things that happens.

Moon. Thanks for the advice, but like you I been doing decals for over 30 years now, and I understand how set solution works ;) . I have seen you and others talking about champs, but we don't seem to have it out here in (my best Govenator impression)Kaliforniyah :lol: .At least not any of the shops I go to. It's all right though as I don't go to contests anymore, so it's not that big a deal.

Laura. :lol: :laugh: :cheer: :laugh: :lol: :silly: .

Yah gotta catch it first. And I don't think you can do that stuck in the mud with all the rest of the targets:pinch: . Maybe someday we can convince you to build just one more wingy thingy. But this time you should do it wheels down. That way it can't fall from the ceiling :S .

Gary B)
Order Champs online. I've never seen it in a store.

Wasn't questioning you on your decaling skills, guess I'm not sure what problem you ran into. Sure can't see any problem, they look good.