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Tamiya M26 Pershing *Finished Pics on last page.

Tamiya M26 Pershing

Lower hull painted! Next up road wheels and weathering.
The side number decals silvered on me pretty badly. Good thing they will be partially blocked with gear and junk. LOL




Tamiya M26 Pershing

Did you put Future on? Take a sharp xacto blade (No. 11) and lance those decals and re-apply with a brush some future or decal solution. The idea is to get the Future/solution under the decal so it will lay down. Looks good! Have done any washes yet? Looks like you may have done a black pin wash.

Terry B)
Tamiya M26 Pershing

Mr T, yes, just a black pin wash for now. I don't have a working airbrush to do the future at the moment. I'll see what I can do though...

I'm pretty happy with it so far. I have to get some stowage for it and it will look better.
Tamiya M26 Pershing

Lower hull painted! Next up road wheels and weathering.
The side number decals silvered on me pretty badly. Good thing they will be partially blocked with gear and junk. LOL





Tamiya M26 Pershing

Thanks guys!
It was late last night so here is what I did...
after I sprayed with TS-5 Tamiya OD, I gave it a light dry brush with model master OD. I used the Tamiya NATO black for the rubber road wheels which looks more like rubber than plain black.

For the tracks I painted them with model master burnt umber and washed with Tamiya flat black. Once this was all dry, I lightly dry brushed on model master clear gloss and then dipped the track in some fine dark dirt from my yard. Not a lot, but I wanted it in the tracks impressions. I did the same with the road wheels and undercarriage.

as a note, from my experiences as a Bradley crewman, on a average dry/non-rainy exercise, dirt/mud were limited to the very bottom of the vehicle as the only moisture was from puddles. strangely enough, after a week in the field with no rain, the road wheels were still caked heavy with dirt/dry clay. especially the rear-most bogies.

So I just applied the dirt to the very lower portions of the under carriage and wheels. Once this was done I mixed a wash of Tamiya flat black and brown together and added a few drops of 90% rubbing alcohol. This mix covered the vehicle with a even coat and the alcohol made it go into all the nooks and crannies faster. The down side is that when it dried it looked as though I painted the whole thing white! LOL

after it all dried, I sprayed with testors dull-coat and the result is in the above pictures.

I'll be painting the supplied crew figures and I'm awaiting the Black Dog stowage for the Pershing.

I'll do all the details and .50cal shortly.

w00t! :v
Tamiya M26 Pershing

Hey Chris

When you do the .50cal can you take some progress pics, that's always been a big 'letdown' on any of my US/Allied armour builds.

Tamiya M26 Pershing

thanks guys! I'll be working to finish this soon, vacation starts this weekend! :yipee
Tamiya M26 Pershing

ok, I got the stowage on, next up is final weathering and crew painting. I'm going to use the supplied crew for this.


