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Tamiya Jagdpanzer 38 (t) Hetzer

This is like watching a killer movie but forced to wait till tomorrow to see the amazing climax.
It's looking superb Mike!! :notworthy :notworthy

A big THANK YOU to all who commented, I really appreciate your support!! After spending a week trying to figure out the best way to mask the hard edge, I finally gave up and free handed a camo scheme.







I tried to make a stencil for the splinters, but thought the pattern a little too unnatural, so going without I think. I'll let it dry overnight, then hit it with Future for the decals. Comments, suggestions, good natured ribbing always welcome! :soldier

Cool camo !! Great Free Style !! I really Dig it ! I'm lookin forward to th weathering.

Note: another thing I picked up on recently as a Mask for hard Edge Camo - Try using Blu-Stik. DAP makes it & it can be found in Lowes' on th Paint Isle with all of the little X-tras. That works better than Silly Putty as , some that you buy now is a really soft compound & hard to remove from th model after painting. I also use it to hold stuff temporarily like figures arms, parts of a Tank to see what it looks like etc .... To use it as a paint mask, you can pull some off , roll it length wise to th size you want, press down on th Tank. mark off th entire tank , paint , then remove after th paint is dry.

As far as trying to add the Flecks, it would've been easier to do a "reverse" camo paint. Paint th Hetzer Dk. Yellow, then cut tiny pieces ( triangles, bow ties etc * ) out of th Blue painters tape & apply everywhere, then paint th other colors & remove th tape after all is dry.

If you already know about Blu Stik disregard otherwise - http://www.google.com/products/catalog?hl=en&sugexp=gsish&pq=blu+tac++sold+in+america&xhr=t&q=adhesive+putty&cp=11&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=16052056106846094808&sa=X&ei=po7QTa2uKtTogAf27Z3CDA&sqi=2&ved=0CEUQ8gIwAw#

* here's an attached picture of a Museum piece to show you what I'm talking about.


