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Sprue Bros.

Works for me. Maybe clear your cache as they changed dns last week. Could be you are still going to the old addy.
Just tried and flew right in.
Might try closing your browser then light it back up and try again. Sometimes works for
my machine....sometimes.

Mike B)
Sorry, should have been more explicit. I can get to theri homepage, but no further. I get the following message..........

"An error has occurred. Please try your request again, or contact customer service for assistance. Thank you.
Please provide Reference #68308127 if contacting customer service. "

very annoying..

Has anyone had any trouble getting to their website?
I keep getting "error 500 internal server error"


That error sends my brain into horror mode!!

But Ron I'm not having any problems either.

Flush your cache and see what happens. If you have any problem with that, or not sure how, let me know. I'm the IT guy around here ya know... :coolio

I'll be glad to help. :mpup

Try this link, it's right into their new store.

I just visited their new warehouse and all the merchandise from their recent acquisition in Utah, Great Models dot com, was being unloaded into their spacious warehouse.

No problem. They are definitely there!

I just visited their new warehouse and all the merchandise from their recent acquisition in Utah, Great Models dot com, was being unloaded into their spacious warehouse.


do they have shopping carts?? :yipee :rotf

I'm sure my buddy, Gordon Kwan would find one for you son! :D :D :D

When I was there recently, they were all unloading hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of models from the buyout of GreatModels Webstore to be added to their already heavily stocked warehouse. It was the last day in Kansas City for me and Gail and I had to hurry or you can bet, I would have been out there going up and down those aisles! :yipee

BTW Ron, I just checked their website. It looks as though they have been adding some new features. If you still can't get in, here is their email address. sales@spruebrothers.com

I wonder if they have finaly overtaken Hanaths as the biggest model store with the buy out?

I'm not as involved as I once was, but I believe Squadron is still number 1 in terms of size and sales world wide. Also, Hobby Link Japan is very large on the world scene. In America only, I am sure Sprue Brothers is number two. It has been years since I visited Hannants. I used to know the father quite well. I know the son too, but the father was nearer my age. Before I sold VLS, it was in the top two worldwide.

Squadron might be bigger, but their service SUCKS! Sprue Brothers is top shelf, they get my vote every time. (y)
Squadron might be bigger, but their service SUCKS! Sprue Brothers is top shelf, they get my vote every time. (y)

Hey Mike,

I wasn't talking in terms of service. I was only talking size. Gordon Kwan of Sprue Brothers is a very good friend. The guy who owns Squadron, well, I'll keep my mouth shut! I started being neutral when I retired! :D

IMO, Sprue Brothers is the best there is, so no argument about that! In time, good service increases size. Gordon is relatively new in the business. He'll get there! He's well on his way already. No doubt about it! That's where I shop!

Yeah ,

Sprue Brothers might be going through some growing pains , but They Rock !! Awesome service every time I've ordered from them !!

His sweat ..... Smells like Humbrol Enamel ...

He once taught a Horse .... To Build an Alan Panzer Tank ......

He punched Chuck Norris in the Face ..... And Arnold Schwarzenegger felt it.

His Beard alone has ..... Built more model kits than the Nation of Japan.

He never says some thing tastes like Chicken ..... Even when it is Chicken .....

He's a Lover & not a fighter .... but He's also a Fighter ... So don't get any Ideas ...

He once had an awkward moment ..... Just to see how it feels .....

He builds models Vicariously .... Through Himself ....

His Legend precedes Him .... Much like Lightning precedes Thunder ....

He Doesn't always Drink Beer ......

He is BoB Letterman ...... The Most Interesting man in Scale Model building ......

" See that New Dragon Models kit ?..... It is there to make you want to build a kit ...... While I don't like being coerced... This time ... I'll make an exception. .... " "Keep Building My Friends ! "


We love You BoB !! :ro: :ro:


You are so full of it! That was hilarious!! I appreciate your going to all the trouble to post that, but how the hell am I supposed to answer it?

Susan and I are both still laughing!

I'm pretty sure that what Erik posted were just a few "Bob Letterman Facts"... :cheer: And you know sumptin', you're kinda starting to appear on my heroes list too, Bob. :eek:hyeah

Cheers and be well! B)