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Show us your mugg

Well if we're ever boarded by Pirates I know who's going to the front of the pack. :fencing

[hide]I forgot, we are the pirates... :dance [/hide]
Just a few quick shots so you know who I am!!!




At least we get to see your face! Looking good David. What's the background on the Redcoat uniform?
David, I took liberty with one of your pictures and brightened it up a tad...A handsome uniform that is..

I already posted to this thread way back on page 5 or something but what the heck, I can post a more recent one.

Here is me and the boy and his new little sister Bella.

Nice highlight, I have no real idea what the uniform was. It was a multi period military display in England in the late 80s, the guys doing the Napoleonic battle were stuck in a broken down coach about 50 miles away from the event, however the uniforms and weapons had arrived on time. In order to prevent the event from being a total flop and the crowd asking for refunds, the group I was with (WWII) was asked to step in. So we did Napoleonic in the morning and WWII in the afternoon.
The doghouse was built as a miniature version of the historical part of my house...

I seem to enjoy building miniatures. Go figure eh?

I didn't click the play...I know better. :evil:

Ignorance is bliss, now excuse me as I turn up my Hank Williams!

Son of a gun, we’ll have big fun on the bayou :pilot[/quote]

.....Nice tune,Pups![no kidding]
:drinks :)

I think that's really cool, Ken. Is there any ghosts in there?

Well, there have been a couple odd things over the years so I wouldnt rule it out. Thing is, as a public school, no one lived here for well over a century. It was built in 1735, and didnt become a residence until around 1920. My grandmother lost her long battle with cancer in this house in 1988, my grandfather a farm tractor accident months later in the fields. If there are ghosts, theyre good ones. :)
I think that's really cool, Ken. Is there any ghosts in there?

Well, there have been a couple odd things over the years so I wouldnt rule it out. Thing is, as a public school, no one lived here for well over a century. It was built in 1735, and didnt become a residence until around 1920. My grandmother lost her long battle with cancer in this house in 1988, my grandfather a farm tractor accident months later in the fields. If there are ghosts, theyre good ones. :)

Ken, having a part of your home that was built in 1735 is incredible. Wow! What a conversation piece! West of the Mississippi, houses or any structures that old are very rare. In fact, St. Louis is where you can find most of what few there are, but I never owned one.

Yes very kewl, Ken. I grew up in a Pennsylvania field stone farm house of that vintage. The walls were 3 feet thick, and we always heard strange sounds and such. In fact there was a black walnut tree in the yard that pre-dated the house that fell in a storm in the mid 70's. We had it cut into raw boards, as the wood is very beautiful, and we found more than a couple musket balls. (Didn't make the saw mill too happy!)
This is the house I grew up in.

the single story side was build about 1880 or so, records are not clear. The house was picked up and turned 90degrees and the two story side was added when the inlaws moved in. That was done about 1920 or so. It was fun growing up in that house, it's slated to be demolished when Mom moves out later this year and the local university takes over that property.

John, couple of my ancestors may have put those musket balls in that tree...no offense. :mpup