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NAA P51 D-5 NA-1/18 scale

Outstanding craftsmanship and attention to detail. Will you being doing the engine as well.

Terry (y)
Hi James,

I Have no idea what kind of tape that is. It was left over from the Mrs.Xmas stuff. It seems to be some kind of pressure sensitive foil. It was the thinnest stuff I could find at .0015 thickness.I wanted to show the rib tapes but wanted the effect to be subtle.

I have some left over. If you need it, I'll send it over.


Outstanding craftsmanship and attention to detail. Will you being doing the engine as well.

Terry (y)

Thanks Terry. No engine in this one. I did come across a 1/18 V-1650 made of resin but it was too late. The cowl was a already closed.

Thanks much for looking in...

Viagra? "That would be like running an new flag up an old flag pole." Harvey Korman to Tim Conway

:rotf :rotf :rotf :rotf :rotf :rotf :rotf :rotf :rotf :rotf :rotf :rotf :rotf
Greetings All,

Ive made a bit more progress on the empennage, windscreen and canopy. I wont spend a lot of words. Rather, Ill just let the photos do the talking. Happy to answer any questions you might have...


This is becomming endless. Ive mounted the new fairings and begun the fastener details.The fairings on both the tail and the wing are held in place with counter sunk flat head screws. Scale diameter is .033". I used .030 Evergreen rod stock. I havent been able to find a drawing that defines the fastener pattern on the top surface of the tail fairing and I dont want to fake it so this op will stall for a bit.


I started shaping and fitting the IP shroud.Its made from a section of the wind screen. What remains unclear, is exactly what the D-5 shroud looked like. This shape is taken from the Neely drawings which differs from period photos of later versions of the Mustang.More research will be needed.

The mold was poured for the canopy. Once cured, the resin vac form plug was poured. I got all set up to pull copies of the canopy, and half way through the first heating cycle, the heat source went south. Just the same, heres the plug(big thing). It took two pounds of silicone to make the molds for the windscreen and the canopy. the progression: L to R:

original part..original after rework..plug

That about raps it up for this update. They will be slower coming now since everything will be new.

Hope everyone is well...


About the shroud, gotta wonder if they were not interchangeable, that may explain why you see inconsistencies.
Germans have a word for this.... sprechenlos (probably a spelling error, but you get the idea).

About the shroud, gotta wonder if they were not interchangeable, that may explain why you see inconsistencies.


No doubt they were interchangeable. I just want to make sure what goes into this thing is correct. Glad you looked in...thanks.

Greetings All,

My apologies for such a long absence. Being the dippy ole man I seem to be becoming, I lost the URL for the site and couldnt remember how to get back here...pretty scary. Gut, Ive managed to find the trail and have stuff to post.
Progress has been made. Last post, I was up to adding fitments to the empennage.That has all been redone since discovering the number of lower fairing hardware attachment points were too few. Hence,the holes were all plugged and redrilled. I stopped counting at eighty something holes.The alignment of the holes proved to be a real bugger and trying to do it with the fairings attached to the fuselage only added to the problem. The hole to hole alignment was just a nightmare. More than once i had to plug and redrill due to misaligment.

Enough whinning...heres where we are...

The elevators were detailed up using .0015 pressure sensitive foil.I dont know where it came from other than it was something the Mrs used for wrapping at Christmas last.

The elevators are made from the originals modified to fit the drawing.The trim tabs are made from folded aluminum litho plate.

The rudder received the same treatment. Pushrod fairing and control horn details are made from folded aluminum litho plate.

Anyway, long story short, heres where it all ended up...the pretty much finished empennage

The holes look big but are actually only .030" diameter.

Just awe inspiring. :notworthy :notworthy (y) (y) (y) (y) (y) (y) (y) (y) (y)
Enjoying each new part. I really admire how you can stay focused for so long.

Making sure everything aligns properly is critical,and needs to be checked from every angle. I think all looks up to snuff.Believe me when I say, there is a lot going on back here but I think you can see that.
