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Mineko the Geisha

Greg Kimsey

Well-known member
I thought I would document my "repaint" of Mineko the Geisha from Kimera models. I have painted her once before but some jack-legged son of a biscuit eater stole her off of my display shelf at our store. This was her before being stolen:

She was painted in acrylics. For version 2 I am painting her in oils. With Steve Ski's encouragement and help I hope for a good outcome. I have painted fine art with oil paints professionally for over 40 years so I know how to create the "illusion" of form with paint, but with a 3D model the form is already there. You would think it would be easier, right? We shall see. Here is progress on Mineko 2:

So far so good. Thanks for watching! Steve, chime in whenever you see me going awry please 🙃
Well, my back is fubar'd again with another disc melted away, so I have had a lot of sitting time. I have been working on Mineko and am pleased so far. Thank you Steve Ski for sticking with me with advice. I strayed from it a bit by using Neo Megilp from Gamblin Oil Company (made right here in the good ol' US of A). It has made the paint application easier and my blends smoother.

I am not good at non metalic metal technique yet. Hooefully this will look like gold before I am finished!

I think I have the fabric to a good point now and with paint the floral pattern after it dries for a couple of days

 I think I have the fabric to a good point now and with paint the floral pattern after it dries for a couple of days

I changed to color if the back adornment from red to green. It is about dry enough now to blend a little smoother.



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I think the headpiece is finished

Also, the back "whatchmacallit" is finished. It started out red and ended up here...
Plus, a little surprise butterfly tattoo.
Now I need to let things dry a few days so I can paint the floral design on the Kimono, and finish the dragon, then assemble all of the pieces.
I think I have gone as far as I can and must let the paint dry. I have the first layer on the floral arrangement.
For the dragon, I had already based it in green. I brushed on some Jacquard metallic piwder all over the dragon and really rubbed it in to make it shiny. Then I put a wash of Thalo green over it and got a fantastic look.
After everythibg dries I need to do another wash. See you in a couple of days!
Gorgeous Greg. I like quite a few kits from this & similar lines from Kimera Models. I actually picked a couple up last spring. I'm just too much of a chicken shit to have a crack at them yet. I want to get a bit more practice on some cheaper figures first.
Gorgeous Greg. I like quite a few kits from this & similar lines from Kimera Models. I actually picked a couple up last spring. I'm just too much of a chicken shit to have a crack at them yet. I want to get a bit more practice on some cheaper figures first.
Dude, go for it! If you don't like use oven cleaner to get the paint off and do it again!
@Greg Kimsey I don't know if you got an email from them or not, but Kimera/Pegaso have a Black Friday deal (25% off) on a few of their figures...including the pre-order on Elynia (elven archer). This is from the Europe home branch, haven't checked to see what the US branch has to offer (if anything).
@Greg Kimsey I don't know if you got an email from them or not, but Kimera/Pegaso have a Black Friday deal (25% off) on a few of their figures...including the pre-order on Elynia (elven archer). This is from the Europe home branch, haven't checked to see what the US branch has to offer (if anything).
I am actually a dealer for Kimera and Pegaso models, along with Big Child and Scale 75! But yes, I did get the email. Thanks for letting me know!!