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Marking your Vietnam M48A3


New member
MecModels released two new decalsheets for the M48A3 Patton, serving during the Vietnam conflict. Each set contains markings for 3 US Army and 3 USMC tanks.

best regards,

Mark Meuleman
While those are nice, I saw the M113 sheet with a sharkmouth!


There is hope to see the M-42 Dusters with sharkmouth as well.

Thanks guys! I felt the M48 deserved some new markings.

Yes it's this one (I guess you already know this picture Saul :D )

Btw a M42 with sharkmouth? Do you have pictures of that one?

best regards,

Btw a M42 with sharkmouth? Do you have pictures of that one?

Mark, I most certainly do have pictures of both! There were two...

This is the most colorful:

There are other M113 as well with sharkmouths and plenty of colorful schemes for those that don't want a sharkmouth but are more interested in pin ups, bands from the 60s, and so on...

Contact me directly.
