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IEDed HEMTT - 1/35 - Load for a forthcoming HET...


Hi Gents !

So here's my new log. I made up my mind regarding the payload that'll seat on the M1000 Trailer from Hobby Boss's huge HETS.

When I saw a pic on the web of a HEMTT that was obliterated by an IED in Iraq, I knew I had to go for it.

The inspiring picture :


from http://data3.primeportal.net/transports/jeremy_mowers/het_hemtt/images/het_hemtt_2_of_2.jpg

I had started a VERY long time ago, the Italeri HEMTT and awakened it for the occasion. I added some Tank Workshop wheels.

It'll depict a blasted HEMTT, suffering damages from a road side bomb. The IED contained ball shaped projectiles that riddled the passenger door and shot the spare tire, the crane and a portion of the cargo side in the back. I try to stick to the pic above...



Damaged rim...


Heavy putty in the cargo area


Punched cab !




Whaddya think ?


The battle damage is looking very convincing. Nicely done. What a poignant story this build will tell. (y) (y) (y)
I think it is very cool. These big trucks are very tempting (must resist).

Looking forward to your progress.

Nice! Purpose built battle damage, who would have thought?! I always thought it was by accident. :mpup
Very cool, cant wait to see how this one progresses.

I'd like to get that HET kit eventually, but its way outside my price range right now.

I have that HEMTT kit, that I started quite a few years ago, that never got finished.

The crew cab was handpainted in a dark green acrylic water based color (Citadel range).

Here's a pic of the dashboard and the steering wheel


Then here are the seats, these were painted with the same Citadel paint, faded down with some sand color of the range. I added the seatbelts and put a wash that may appear too shiny in the picture cos it is still wet...


Here's the outside cab with the outside rear view mirror mounts (seems I have lost them parts !!!!!! Will ask Italeri for new ones...)


And here's the crane area where I added some putty.



Thank you guys !

So as anyone may guess, the passenger was wounded. But this is no crime scene !

Private Ryan was harmed and hit hard... but he feels fine now and got back to combat after several weeks being taken care of by nice nurses during his recovering time !!!!!!

So, no offense intended, but this is getting a lil' more "graphic" (hey, this is just & only acryl paint ok ?!)






Richard :)
Actually I was going to ask about the passenger but thought against it. Glad he's doing well, Nurses have a way of lifting spirits.

The shattered glass looks great! how did you do that?
Hi Richard,

I don't mind properly done gore. A few things:

The fire extinguisher would be used to remove blood and tissue not taken care of by the medics. IEDs are treated like crime scenes so photos are taken and documentation written to profile the bomb maker. Afterwards, it is clean up before recovery.

Second, when gore must be presented, remember that blood darkens considerably as it congeals (from clotting). It appears a very dark maroon, almost black, until disturbed. Then the blood underneath the coagulated skin absorbs oxygen and turns bright red again.

The above is (sadly) from experience.

Thank you very much guys !

@ MoonPuppy, the shattered glass was cut on the clear sprue and then scratched with a cutter blade giving angles to the scratches. A lot of these scratches and there you are !

@ Sharkmouth, you're right the blood & tissue must be darkened, I'll "fix" that. I know the medics may clean all that asap but I thought that with such a damaged cab area a little gore had to come along...


HA, I can take a picture of some dried blood if need reference. Sliced the crap out of my finger yesterday... :mpup and if I attempted your shattered glass technique I'm sure I'll slice some more... :mpup

I worked on fading down the blood in the cab and on the rear crane area.

Here's the cab :


Then the cargo area where I decided to add a full plasticard floor :


Here are some homemade side rear view mirrors :


And here is the rear crane area that needed to be wired-up :



Hope you guys like it.


The broken glass and the plumbing on the crane look great!

Terry B)