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I feel compelled to repost this...

moon puppy

Staff member
I feel compelled to repost this again. I see on some website the term BarBecue is being used for things that are far removed from the art of barbecuing.

Please allow me to repost my comments from the past 4th of July many moons ago:

Topic, the use of the term Barbecue or Bar-B-Q and for the remainder of this post, the term BBQ.

Now that this season of cooking in the great outdoors is upon us I have to take exception to the YANKEE use of the term BBQ. Everyone in this age of instant messaging and the Information Super Highway should by now, know that the proper use of the term BBQ means a slow roasted hog either in a smoker type cooker that has a trailer hitch and wheels, or a pit dug out of the ground by a John Deere backhoe, or a recycled 55 gallon drum (stolen from someone's workplace) fashioned into a smoker or, with some hesitation, store bought prebuilt smoker/cooker appliance.

Exceptions can be made for BBQ joints where wheels are not needed on the cookers (but most likely there is one out back for catering). The meat can be either pulled or chopped and doused in a generous helping of a sauce that varies from one region to another and even within families. But knowing that the one true original BBQ sauce is a Vinegar based sauce will aid in your selection of a favorite BBQ Joint. This is generally served with a helping of hot baked beans and cold potato salad but slaw (no need to say Cole because this is understood) is an appropriate substitution for the potato salad

The use of the term BBQ by Yankees to infer the act of grilling meat, and perhaps even FISH or vegetables on an outdoor charcoal grill once a year is sacrilege (I'm willing to bet they would even use Lighter Fluid as well). Pulling out your charcoal, or propane grill once a year to give the little woman a "break" from the cooking chores does not make you a "grill master" nor does it give her a break because she still does all the work while telling you when to flip the meat and fetching you another "O'Douls". Stop kidding yourself. (Edit: I'll give you points for grilling in subzero weather)

BBQ has it's roots and traditions dating back to the dawn of man even before he had domesticated the wild beast of this earth. When prehistoric men would slaughter the wild boars it was not a trivial matter, it was primal instinct and paramount to the survival of the clan. Once they had their prey on the smoker or pit they would stand vigil carefully basting and seasoning the meat until the proper internal temperature rose to 160°F (or 71.1°c) and enjoying the freshly brewed grog. Once the hog was done they would dance around the pit in ceremonial dress while neighboring tribes came by and picked the meat from the hog (birth of the Pig Pickin'). They would then store the meat in Styrofoam white quart containers in the freezer on their front porches for the winter. Or they could simply stock up for their winter fixes at their local Volunteer Fire Department every Memorial Day, Independence day and Labor Day.

This injustice can not be tolerated and if you all need to come down here to the South to understand what a TRUE BBQ is then give me a ring, I can hook you up...

This Blasphemy can not be tolerated! :mpup

I will expound on this later this afternoon. There's more points to be added.
Ok to help explain to you "furiners" what BBQ is I believe a picture can best accomplish this so.....

This is not BBQ.....




Any questions???

Ok to help explain to you "furiners" what BBQ is I believe a picture can best accomplish this so.....

This is not BBQ.....




Any questions???


Someone gets it.

Jeff I have seen your pictures of your grillmastering, don't take these words as taking anything away from the culinary art that is Grilling. I grew up flippin' steaks, chicken and fish, it ain't BBQ.

I stumbled on some information that fascinated me. Not even sure where or how I found it. It spoke of the early European explorers coming to the New World and finding the Native population smoking meats, fish and other food items over an open flame. Where was it these explorers found this cooking method? On the banks of the barrier islands that would later form the states of North and South Carolina (The Carolinas for you yankees). So in short, the idea of BBQ was invented in my neck of the woods!

Why even the origins of the word translates in some languages as "sacred fire pit"...not grill...pit!
Hmmmm.....how to word this without being offensive......

Here goes,

I get that BBQ started in the south but saying a person is an expert because they are from a certain area is inaccurate. Texans think they are the final word on it because, Texas.(don't get me started on chili). Folks from the Carolinas think the same. So do guys from Memphis, Kansas City, and so on. See where I'm coming from?

As far as lighter fluid goes, a lot of champion BBQ'ers use it. (I don't anymore). If you ever watch the show BBQ Pitmasters, Myron Mixon who is a three taaaammm werld champeen (you will know that because he mentions it at least 4 times per show) uses an entire can of fluid to get his charcoal started. He's a judge now but was a contestant up until a couple years ago. He's from Georgia and claims that makes him an expert.

The bottom line is, cook it low and slow with indirect heat and you can call it BBQ. You may not have some award winning secret rub or sauce but your meat will turn out the same, texture wise, whether you are in Manhatten or the Outer Banks.

If at any point you have the potential for a flare-up, you are not barbequing. You are grilling.

*Steps away from the podium*
Jeff.... :ro: :ro: :ro: :ro: :ro:
Terry, I love the avatar and your idea of what BBQ is and aint.
I never claimed to be a pit master and I dont like big mouthed retarded blowhards like a certain feller from Ga. on a certain BBQ cable show. I enjoy grilling and BBQing with people that are civil and gracious. :drinks
Jeff.... :ro: :ro: :ro: :ro: :ro:
Terry, I love the avatar and your idea of what BBQ is and aint.
I never claimed to be a pit master and I dont like big mouthed retarded blowhards like a certain feller from Ga. on a certain BBQ cable show. I enjoy grilling and BBQing with people that are civil and gracious. :drinks


Whee...thought you were talkin' about me for a sec... :rotf :rotf :rotf
Jeff.... :ro: :ro: :ro: :ro: :ro:
Terry, I love the avatar and your idea of what BBQ is and aint.
I never claimed to be a pit master and I dont like big mouthed retarded blowhards like a certain feller from Ga. on a certain BBQ cable show. I enjoy grilling and BBQing with people that are civil and gracious. :drinks


Whee...thought you were talkin' about me for a sec... :rotf :rotf :rotf

You have a cable show??

I stumbled on some information that fascinated me. Not even sure where or how I found it. It spoke of the early European explorers coming to the New World and finding the Native population smoking meats, fish and other food items over an open flame. Where was it these explorers found this cooking method? On the banks of the barrier islands that would later form the states of North and South Carolina (The Carolinas for you yankees). So in short, the idea of BBQ was invented in my neck of the woods!

Why even the origins of the word translates in some languages as "sacred fire pit"...not grill...pit!

While I understand and agree the difference between grilling and barbecue, let's look at the etymology.

The word which we use as BBQ today comes from the Arawak word barbacoa which references predate all other uses of the word. In the Spanish archives, we find the letters of Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo in his Natural and General History of the Indians written after his travels to the New World (1515). He writes of Cuba but the Taino people (Arawak people from which the word was borrowed) were found not only in Cuba but the Bahamas, Hispaniola (nowadays Haiti and Dominican Republic), and Puerto Rico.

In the latter, I have spent many nights aside an open pit in the beach with a large pig on a rotisserie made of sticks. My cousins and I took shifts to never let the fire die out and checking the meat by hitting it with the back side (dull) of a machete to see if the skin cracked and clear fluids ran out.

Personally, grilling or barbecuing are both fine as long as it is MEAT!

Saul brings up a good point. I have had many a tasty pig or cow cooked over an open flame for ever, or buried in the ground. Low and slow, like 20+ hours.

Its an open flame and yet...

OK, enough with the pedantic non-sense. Post recipes and techniques!
I can count on 2 hands how many times I've actually cooked whole hog. OK one hand unsupervised. 3 times on a mobile pit, one of them was really nice. Stainless steel fire racks. you just drop 4 charcoal bricks in each rack every 30 minutes and it kept the temp about 200degrees. Start it skin side up, half way through flip him. Prep was nothing more than salt water brim overnight, a vinager, salt pepper mix to douse him down from time to time and then serve him up. We let folks come by and pick right off the hog on the smoker. Nuffin' fancy but man that was good!

Now I go to Carolina BBQ and order by the pound...