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Hello guys! MIg from Spain!

Hola Amigo! Que Pasa?
Good to see you back in the world again.
Welcome to TnT!
Hi Mig!

We are really happy to have you here. I will send you an email about getting involved in our masterclass forum!

Welcome, Mig! (y)

It's great to have you here!

I look forward to see what you're up too!

If you need any help in weathering and pigments.... let me know :laugh: (just kidding of course!)

Best regards
Hi Mig and Welcome to TNT ,

Dont worry about starting over we will all look after you and give you plenty of feedback and freindly advice and hopefully you can teach us a trick or to and inspire us to reach new levels in our modelling/artistic endeavours !

cheers Plushy

p.s enjoy your new found freedom and less stress :)

Wow, I feel embarrased with this welcome from all you. Thank you very much, and I am happy stay here and stay in touch with many of you again! It is fantastic.

You took mycomments like a joke, but after all of you will see my next model finished, you will think that I need to learn a lot! ;-)

By the way, Noel, yes...few leccions about pigments to me could be very usefull, because I almost forget how to use them, seriusly!

Also, I was checking a little few things around, and I was hocked with many things, many models and the nice look of this site and the great cartoon! I am also surprise with the great article from ANthony, about the treemendus TREE...it is amazing. I was looking the pictures and my mouth was opened all time like a man discovering the fire!

Thank you all, and I hope post very soon.
I hope tomorrow finish my last model and I will post some pictures.

See you soon

By the way, Noel, yes...few leccions about pigments to me could be very usefull, because I almost forget how to use them, seriusly!

You're the inventor of pigments!!!

I really look forward to see your latest model............. the last thing I saw from you were two carriage trains!

Welcome back to the hobby Miguel :) You will be missed on the market as I think MIG Productions will never be the same after you,but it is so good to have you here. I really missed your wrecks or damaged armor.
best regards