• Modelers Alliance has updated the forum software on our website. We have migrated all post, content and user accounts but we could not migrate the passwords.
    This requires that you manually reset your password.
    Please click here, http://modelersalliance.org/forums/login to go to logon page and use the "Forgot your Password" option.


Statement from Tanks and Things Management

When Tanks and Things forum started almost 2 years ago it was formed in the spirit of having a forum where we can share ideas, techniques and fun with the HOBBY that we all share. The site was established as a refuge from online dramas and attacks that we so often seen generated behind the cloak of anonymity. 
Events of the last several weeks has created a hostile environment between the Staff and Leadership of Tanks and Things, All avenues of reconciliation have been explored and exhausted, it is with a heavy heart we have to face that there are no alternatives left. This decision has been made by a majority of the staff who have been accessible during this time of crisis on Tanks and Things.
Contrary to rumors posted around various forums and social networking sites, the artwork is the property of the staff member who created it and the website and forum is owned by Bob Britt. An offer to transfer ownership was made but rejected. Nothing has been stolen out from under anyone here and this decision has not been made in haste. We hope that further discussion of this issue is not necessary and please respect the actions of the Management of Tanks and Things as we have been in consultation for nearly 18 hours regarding this issue.
Jenny Croft made the statement that she will quit Tanks and Things, we will accept and respect that decision and wish her all the best in her future endeavors. 

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