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The Duke Completes a Helicopter.

Duke Maddog

Well-known member
This is the ancient Hasegawa kit that I built as a kid so this is a bit of a Nostalgia build for me. I didn't try to correct anything, but I did use this to practice my basics and painting skillsets while enjoying the trip down Memory Lane. It isn't meant to be an award winning model; or even one I take to contests. I couldn't even get the one sliding door to work on the one side that I had one. Still, this was a fun and diverting little model to work on; after all I only paid five bucks at a local swap meet!

Here she is all completed as much as I possible. A couple pieces went missing, namely one sliding door and one of the twin 'machine guns' that are supposed to mount on the ends of the weapons pylons:



Maybe if I can find four M-60-type machine guns to add to a pylon mount, I can complete this model. Until then, I'm calling this one done.

Thanks for looking in, comments are welcome.
Thanks guys! I guess it does look good considering what I started with. MP, I think I will; that one door just doesn't look right.

Thanks again for looking in guys!
Thanks guys! I appreciate it a lot considering what I started with.

Hawk, I'd say I have an interest in working on a few more of these helicopters that are currently in my stash. That being said; I am still trying to clear the workbench of previous builds.
Thanks Tim, but I stick with 1/72 scale on all my planes and helicopters. It's tough enough finding the room for these as it is; I certainly have no room for a 1/32 scale one. Besides, a 1/32 scale one doesn't fit into my consistent collection.

Once I did go big:

1/72 scale Mi-26 Halo:



I even did the interior, not that there was much to do....


That thing is at least as long as a 1/35th scale Mi-24 Hind, and longer than most 1/32 scale helicopters at about 28 inches long. So, yeah, I did go big.... once. :eek:hyeah :D
Nice work on the helicopter, nostalgia builds are a lot of fun but I would not care for a steady diet of them. :D

Thanks guys for the great comments! I really appreciate them.

Yes it is Helios! So every now and then I do Go Big; while still staying in my own chosen scale. I love doing that!

Thanks Matrix; yeah, I do an occasional nostalgia build once in a while, mostly when I feel the need to 'get back to my roots' and fire up the mojo a bit more. I do try to maintain a steady diet of modern and well-molded kits to keep my sanity!
Sweet! Thanks Frank! One does have to love a good hog.

Thanks for posting here; I'd forgotten which helicopter this was! LOL! :blink :blush: :D
Which boxing (kit number)did you use for the build. The plastic in the newer release is a softer plastic.
I have four of the Hasegawa UH-1D Huey JS-052-130 kits.
I think I got these when they were first issued, my mind is not what is use to be.
At one time I was going to do each of the Hueys in our unit.
I got one D-model Huey done, then we started getting H-model Hueys.
I transfered to the OH-58A's around that time, and never finish the quest.